András Kenessei

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András Kenessei

András Kenessei (born January 12, 1942 in Budapest ) is a Hungarian art historian, writer and journalist.


After graduating from the KF Gymnasium in 1960, he worked for two years, then he was admitted to the Faculty of Humanities at the Eötvös-Loránd University in Budapest and graduated in 1967 in Hungarian language, literature, grammar and art history,

From 1964 he published articles, reviews and art reviews in specialist magazines, daily and weekly newspapers (Budapester Rundschau, Élet és Irodalom, Művészet, Népszabadság , Ország-Világ , Rakéta Regényújság, Tükör and Új Tükör). From 1966 he published works of fiction .

He wrote his diploma thesis on the eclectic building of Sugárút (German = Strahlweg), today Andrássy út , a Hungarian boulevard. His interest in Hungarian and international architecture remained unbroken later on.

After graduating, he freelanced for several years and lived on the proceeds from his writings. In the meantime he worked as an intern in the editorial department of Magvető Publishing and as a journalist and producer of prose and jazz records for the Hungaroton record company .

Journalistic activity

From the summer of 1977 he was first employed, then deputy head of department and main employee for culture and foreign policy of the Hungarian daily Magyar Hírlap . His work was primarily concerned with the visual arts and dance (ballet, folk dance). After his numerous theater reviews, László Seregi, the ballet director and choreographer of the Hungarian State Opera, asked him to write texts for programs for ballets based on Shakespeare's plays.

From 1980 he worked as an external employee in the cultural programs of the Hungarian radio, primarily for the culture-critical program Láttuk, Hallottuk under the direction of András Kepes .

For Magyar Hírlap he wrote numerous articles, reviews, reports and critiques on films, theater, music productions, radio and television broadcasts and conducted interviews. In the last phase of his career as a journalist, he became increasingly interested in the economic aspect of art and culture, in the Hungarian and international art trade and in the stock exchange .

From 1986 he worked as an external employee in numerous cultural productions with Hungarian and international personalities from the cultural and art scene for the program Tv-Hiradó on Hungarian television under the direction of Endre Aczél.

The radio play Terézvárosi hazugság (director: Sándor Pós ) was shown on Hungarian radio in 1987, and in 1991 Hungarian television showed a feature film based on his family novel Százezer ős (Hundred Thousand Ancestors) (director: Erika Szántó ).

From 1989 he dealt with art trade and art trade communication. He wrote numerous articles, essays, reports and reviews on the subject of art and the art trade for the Magyar Hírlap, Világgazdaság (Zöld Újság) and the Népszabadság, creating a new genre in the Hungarian press landscape. This year, KISOSZ (State Association of Retailers) asked him to make himself available as a lecturer for the first public course for art dealers as an art historian and to write the accompanying course book.

From 1991 to 2009 he was the publisher and editor of the Hungarian art history magazine entitled Műtárgy, Régiség (art objects, antiques). The magazine was founded on the same day as the Sotheby’s conference in Budapest, which was organized and hosted in the Fészek Művészklub with the help of the then head of the office of the world-famous auction house in Budapest, Soraya Countess von Stubenberg. At this conference, six Sotheby's department heads gave lectures to the Hungarian art dealers.

From 1998 he was editor and presenter of the television magazine with the title Licit and at the same time from the turn of the millennium head of the art trade column on Hungarian radio with the title Chaplin kalapja (Eng. Chaplin's hat) (editor: János Simkó) and employee of the show Tőzsdevilág (Börsenwelt ).

Since 2000 he has been living in Vienna and Budapest, and with his partner, the Austrian Katalin Herscovici, organizes exhibitions of contemporary Hungarian painters in Austria and Hungary.

In 2014 he was a member of the Pacsirta Rádió program design society.


András Kenessei is the son of Tibor Kenessei (1911–1976) and Ilona Szűcs (1912–1975); he has two brothers and a son.


  • Esős ​​szeptember (Eng. Rainy September) (Albatrosz, Magvető Könyvkiadó, 1969, Budapest) - under the artist name Albert Harald
  • Történetek és kitalálások (Eng. Realistic and Fictional Stories) Novellas (Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1972.)
  • Szeretők ideje (German time of lovers) Roman (Móra Kozmosz Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1979.)
  • A nyomozást abbahagyni! (Eng. cease investigations) Roman (Helikon, Budapest, 1981.)
  • Szakíts, ha bírsz (Eng. Shut up if you can) Roman (Móra Kozmosz Könyvkiadó Budapest, 1986.)
  • Lengőlábú Olivér (German Oliver with swaying legs) fairy tale (Officina Nova, Budapest, 1988)
  • Százezer ős (German Hundred Thousand Ancestors) family novel (Szépirodalmi Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1989.)
  • Az átkozott lehetőség (Eng. The Cursed Possibility) science fiction novel (Móra, Galakitka Könyvek, Budapest, 1989.) - under the stage name Hank Jeff
  • Művészettörténet dióhéjban (German art history in a nutshell) textbook (KISOSZ, Budapest, 1990)
  • Őszinte részvényem, avagy Hogyan tőzsdézzünk? Economic essay volume on the stock exchange (PuttoPress, Budapest, 2004.)

Other writings and works

  • Ötvenezer arany (German: Fifty Thousand Gold Pieces) play (Színház, supplement 1986, December)
  • Terézvárosi hazugság (radio play, Magyar Rádió, 1987)
  • Százezer ős (German Hundred Thousand Ancestors) (TV movie, Magyar Televízió Kanal 1, 1991)
  • Raondaoh - Galaktika XXVIII. Season 2007 December
  • Sötétben - Galaktika XXXVI. Season, 2015. May.


  • Kortárs magyar írók kislexikona 1959–1988. Főszerk. Fazakas István. (Bp., Magvető, 1989.)
  • Kortárs Magyar Művészeti Lexicon. Főszerk. Fitz Péter. (Bp., Enciklopédia Kiadó, 1999–2001.)
  • Új magyar irodalmi lexicon. Főszerk. Péter László. (Bp., Akadémiai Kiadó, 1994)
  • Kortárs magyar írók 1945–1997. Bibliográfia és fotótár. Szerk. F. Almási Éva. (Bp., Enciklopédia Kiadó, 1997, 2000.)
  • Magyar és nemzetközi ki kicsoda, 1998 (Biográf, Budapest, 1997.)