Andreas Ragettli

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Andreas Ragettli , also Andris Ragettli and André Raguettly (born January 11, 1756 in Flims , † December 10, 1812 in Vilnius ) was a Swiss officer.



The Ragettli family (Henricus, Henrigett) is only native to Flims. Around 1380, Hainriget de Canal from Breil / Brigels received an interest loan in Flims. Various Flims names have the German lowering syllable -li, the name Ragettli could have originated from Ragett in Flims itself. In the coat of arms they have a silver / red lily on a split field (blue / silver). His house was opposite the Alte Post in the Unterwaldhaus.

Military career

Ragettli served in the French Grande Armée under Napoleon and died on December 10th during the Russian campaign in 1812 . He was already serving in the army at the time of the French Revolution and was involved in the 1799 battle of Domat / Ems against the Graubünden rebels from the upper Surselva, and then in the Second Battle of Zurich against Korsakov's troops. In 1812 he moved to Russia under Napoleon and commanded the 1st Swiss Regiment. Colonel Ragettli received the Officer's Cross of the Legion of Honor on November 19, but died shortly after the defeat on the Beresina in Vilnius. In addition to Ragettli, 32 other Swiss were awarded the Legion of Honor Cross, including Lieutenant Baltasar Bundi from the neighboring municipality of Sagogn in Flims.


Individual evidence

  1. Hermann Anliker: The families of the municipality of Flims. In Bündner monthly: magazine for Bündner history, regional studies and building culture. Issue 11-12. Pp. 356-357, doi : 10.5169 / seals-397871 .
  2. Hermann Anliker: The families of the municipality of Flims. In: Bündner monthly newspaper: magazine for Bündner history, regional studies and building culture. Issue 11-12. Pp. 356-357, doi : 10.5169 / seals-397871 .
  3. Personalities on the website of the municipality of Flims.
  4. Albert Maag: The fate of the Swiss regiments in Napoleon's I campaign to Russia in 1812. Publisher by Ernst Kuhn, Biel 1900.
  5. Martin Bundi: Sagogn dil 16avel al 20avel Tschentaner. In: Annalas da la Societad Retorumantscha , Volume 87. 1974, pp. 88-89, doi : 10.5169 / seals-231196 .