Baltasar Bundi

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Baltasar Bundi (born February 2, 1786 in Ilanz , † May 4, 1869 in Chur ) von Sagogn was a Swiss officer.



Bundi comes from a reformed family and came as the firstborn son of Hercules Bundi and Margret nee. Caflisch from Ilanz to the world. Bundi married Maria geb. Hosang from Chur, with whom he had a daughter.

Military career

Service for France

Bundi served in the French Grande Armée and first came to Spain during the Napoleonic Wars on the Iberian Peninsula . In the Russian campaign in 1812 , he was after the bloody battle of Polotsk by Napoleon to Capitaine transported while in the Legion of Honor collected. After the restoration , he served in the Swiss regiments first as a captain and later as a battalion commander. During this time he was raised to the nobility and was allowed to call himself à Bundi. His service to the Bourbons ended with the July Revolution of 1830 . Then he returned to his homeland, where he worked as a farmer.

Service for Switzerland

After this break he was appointed colonel in the Swiss Army and stationed in Thun in 1834, where Napoleon III. completed basic military training. In the Sonderbund War in 1847, Bundi commanded the first brigade of the Rilliet-Constant Division and after the surrender became the commander of the now occupied Freiburg. In 1856 he made himself available as a veteran for the Prussian trade at the age of 70. In 1869 he was buried in Chur with full military honors and broad participation of the population.


Individual evidence

  1. Ursus Brunold: Balthasar Bundi. In: Lexicon istoric retic , online
  2. a b c Martin Bundi: Sagogn dil 16avel al 20avel Tschentaner. In: Annalas da la Societad Retorumantscha , Volume 87. 1974, pp. 88-89, doi : 10.5169 / seals-231196 .
  3. Albert Maag: The fate of the Swiss regiments in Napoleon's I campaign to Russia in 1812. Publisher by Ernst Kuhn, Biel 1900.
  4. Swiss Army, Thun arsenal. History / historical. online ( Memento of the original from January 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /