Andreas Kowatsch

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Andreas Kowatsch (* 1978 in Klagenfurt ) is an Austrian Roman Catholic priest and canonist.


From 1996 to 2000 he studied law at the University of Vienna and the University of Panthéon-Assas . After receiving his doctorate in 2002 as Dr. iur. In Vienna, he completed the legal practice in the Higher Regional Court District of Vienna from 2004 to 2006 . From 1996 to 2004 he studied Catholic theology at the University of Vienna. After being ordained a priest in Graz in 2009 , he was a pastor in Graz from 2009 to 2013. In 2012 he completed his master’s degree as an LL.M. "Canon Law for Lawyers" in Vienna. After receiving his doctorate in 2015 as a Dr. theol. In 2015 he held a chair at the University of Regensburg in Vienna . From 2013 to 2016 he studied canon law at the LMU Munich . After obtaining the Lic. Iur. can. In 2016 and his habilitation (2016-2019) at the LMU Munich , he became Professor of Canon Law and Religious Law at the University of Vienna in 2019.

His main research interests are Austrian constitutional law, "Europeanization" of religious law, church constitutional law and church civil status law.

Fonts (selection)

  • Freedom in community - freedom of community. Current canon law and the old doctrine of the "libertas Ecclesiae". At the same time a canonical contribution to the classification of the institution of the church in communion ecclesiology . Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-643-13056-3 .
  • Willibald M. Plöchl and the “Austrian Archive for Canon Law”. Observations on the Reform of Canon Law . Sankt Ottilien 2016, ISBN 3-8306-7810-X .
  • Personal parochial communities. “Ecclesia particularis” as a legal term and its meaning for the application of personal criteria in the description of particular churches . Sankt Ottilien 2019, ISBN 3-8306-7950-5 .

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