Patxi Saez Beloki

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Patxi Saez Beloki at the Royal Academy of Basque Language on February 12, 2016

Patxi Saez Beloki (born March 8, 1964 in Beasain , Gipuzkoa , Basque Country ) is a Basque sociolinguistic member of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language (Euskaltzaindia). He has a degree in Social and Information Sciences and is a specialist in language planning at the University of the Basque Country .


From an early age he was concerned about the progress of the Basque language. An activist of the Basque language since his youth, he has dealt with this issue all his life.

At the age of 16, he began teaching Basque at the evening school in Beasain. His students were workers who came to learn Basque.

In 1984 he won a position as a permanent teacher at the Basque language school of the Municipality of Azpeitia through a competition . From 1997 to 1999 he was the director of this Basque language school. Patxi Saez Beloki taught Basque for 20 years.

In 1999 the Azpeitia City Council created a public body to promote the Basque language and Beloki has been the technical director of this body since its inception. For the past 20 years he has been professionally involved in language planning.

In his professional career, he has launched several pioneering and innovative initiatives to promote the learning and use of the Basque language, which have had a great impact and dissemination.

The paradigm of the cart

On February 12, 2016, in Bilbao , at the official headquarters of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language, he presented for the first time the paradigm of the cart, also known as the paradigm of natural necessity , to more than a hundred academics, researchers and specialists in the Basque language .

The paradigm of the cart proposes a new sociolinguistic paradigm for the revitalization of minority languages . It is an archetype or theoretical pattern that articulates the cart of language revitalization on two drive wheels - one for language acquisition and the other for its use - rotating simultaneously on the same axis and feeding one another. The driving force behind the cart of language revitalization is the vital and functional need to use language as an instrument of social communication to meet human needs. Thus the theoretical construct of the cart paradigm is linked to Maslow's pyramid, or hierarchy of human needs.

According to this theoretical framework, the linguistic revitalization of any language must begin by first observing and satisfying the most basic and primitive human needs for effective and affective communication of the individual (such as mother-child and family relationships and the most intimate relationships of friendship and community). After the vital communication needs of the first socialization of the individual are met, the language revitalization must focus on the natural communication needs of the second socialization, such as: B. the education and culturalization of the individual, in which such important socializing actors as schools and the media with a very relevant role for the Internet and social networks intervene. Finally, according to the cart paradigm, human activity par excellence, which is closely related to social development and transversal to all human needs, is work. With work, from the most primitive human needs, such as the vital need for food, to the most complex or demanding, such as human self-actualization, which are at the top of the Maslow Pyramid, are satisfied. Hence the effective recovery of any language as an instrument of social communication culminates in the normalization of language in work, a central activity of the social organization of the individual.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Organization chart of the Royal Basque Language Academy , website of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language.
  2. Biography of Patxi Saez Beloki Booktegi-Buchverlag, 2020-04-04
  3. ^ "25 years of Basque lessons" , Azpeitian Zer magazine ? , September 2009
  4. Gartzia, Pruden. (2015) “We need a scientific revolution” Berria newspaper , 2015-11-11.
  5. Rodriguez, Txerra. (2015) «Elefanten» magazine Jakin , 2015-12-16.
  6. Saez Beloki, Patxi (2017) The Paradigm of the Cart: Needs Are Key Academic Journal Euskera , Bilbao: Royal Academy of the Basque Language.