Andreas Ludwig Adolph Meyn

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Andreas Ludwig Adolph Meyn (born April 7, 1786 in Glückstadt , † November 15, 1858 (not 1859) in Kiel ) was a German pathologist.


Andreas Ludwig Adolph Meyn was a son of the businessman Jürgen Christian Meyn (baptized March 26, 1750 in Glückstadt; † June 20, 1831 ibid) and his wife Christina Dorothea Leopoldina, née Westhoff (born December 14, 1764 in Glückstadt; † 3. December 1824 ibid). His father was the son of the businessman Jürgen Meyn and his wife Catharina Margaretha, née Kramer. Ancestors of the Meyn family worked as merchants in Glückstadt and Itzehoe . The mother was a daughter of the court attorney Leopold Westhoff and his wife Augusta Friederica, née Röttger. Ancestors of the Westhoff family came from Ostholstein, Lübeck, Stormarn, Schleswig, and the Prignitz. They included clergymen, lawyers, farmers and artisans.

Meyn married Johanna Maria Heydorn (Heidorn) in 1819 (born April 27, 1797 in Pinneberg ; † March 25, 1875 in Kiel). The couple had four sons and two daughters, including the scientist Ludwig Meyn .


Meyn went to the school of scholars in his hometown until 1800 and then to the Latin school of Tönning . In 1804 he began studying medicine at the University of Kiel, which he completed in 1808 with a doctorate in medicine. med. completed. Then he worked as a landscape doctor on Föhr . In 1810 he passed the practical test and then worked in Pinneberg as a physicist for the rule of Pinneberg and the county of Rantzau . In 1833 he followed a call as professor of pathology at the University of Kiel and director of the academic hospital there. He was considered a good practitioner, but this did not prevent the highest civil authority from taking his offices away from him in 1851. The reason for this was that Friedrich Theodor von Frerichs insisted on taking over the management of the clinic and threatened to leave Kiel otherwise. Frerichs later moved to Breslau anyway .

Meyn was appointed professor for practical medicine and director of the medical college in 1851, to which he had belonged since 1833. The Danish government dismissed him and seven other professors in June 1852 for political reasons.


Meyn made important experiences as a practical landscape doctor and physician, which he was able to use in particular as a hospital director. When the pharmacist L. Chr. Schübler from Kellinghusen issued a legacy of 10,666 Reichstaler, Meyn tried to get it successfully. He ensured that the physics business of the city and office of Kiel and the offices of Kronshagen and Bordesholm got a head physician and spoke out in favor of professorships for psychiatry and forensic medicine, which were not realized.

In 1845 Meyn participated in the revision of the medical constitution of the duchies and wrote about forensic and sanitary matters and practical medicine. From 1837 to 1843 he published the magazine “Practische u. critical communications from the field of medicine, surgery and pharmacy ”. In 1845 he was made a budget councilor and in 1847 a knight of the Dannebrog Order.


  • Fritz Treichel: Meyn, Andreas Ludwig Adolph . in: Schleswig-Holstein biographical lexicon . Volume 5. Wachholtz, Neumünster 1979. ISBN 3-529-02645-X , pages 163-164.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Fritz Treichel: Meyn, Andreas Ludwig Adolph . in: Schleswig-Holstein biographical lexicon . Volume 5. Wachholtz, Neumünster 1979. ISBN 3-529-02645-X , page 163.
  2. ^ Fritz Treichel: Meyn, Andreas Ludwig Adolph . in: Schleswig-Holstein biographical lexicon . Volume 5. Wachholtz, Neumünster 1979. ISBN 3-529-02645-X , pages 163-164.