Andreas Ploeger

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Andreas Ploeger (born August 26, 1926 ; † January 12, 2018 in Aachen ) was a German university professor and director of the Clinic for Medical Psychology at the University Hospital Aachen .

Live and act

Towards the end of his school days, Ploeger was drafted into military service at the age of 17 in 1943 and was caught in an American ambush 13 months later, which only 15 of 50 soldiers survived. After a brief captivity, he returned home, graduated from high school and began studying medicine. In 1952 he passed his medical state examination at the University of Munich and was subsequently taken on by the latter as an assistant doctor, first in pathology and later at the medical clinic, where he also received his doctorate in 1954 . In 1953, parallel to his medical work, he completed a course in psychology at the same university, which he completed in 1956 with a diploma.

Subsequently, Ploeger switched to Ernst Kretschmer at the psychiatric clinic at the University Hospital in Tübingen , where he initially worked as his assistant doctor and from 1962 as a department doctor. In 1969 he came to Aachen and took a vacant position as senior physician and deputy director of the psychiatry department at the Aachen University Hospital. In the same year he completed his habilitation there for the subject of psychiatry, with special emphasis on psychotherapy and social psychiatry, and in 1972 was appointed scientific advisor and professor in this field. After the new licensing regulations adopted in 1974 created the three new compulsory subjects Medical Psychology, Medical Sociology and Psychotherapy / Psychosomatics, the new “Medical Psychology” chair was established at the Aachen University Clinic in 1976 and Ploeger was appointed the first chair holder and one year later the managing director Appointed director. As early as 1974, the North Rhine Medical Association granted him the authorization to hold additional training courses as a specialist in psychotherapy. Ploeger headed the institute until his retirement in 1991, but kept the chair until 1993.

After his retirement, Ploeger opened a private practice for psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and psychiatry in Aachen and was appointed specialist for psychotherapeutic medicine in 1995 and a year later for psychoanalysis.

Ploeger gained a nationally recognized reputation in the field of post-traumatic stress disorder and, among other things, looked after the victims of the Lengede mine disaster and the hijacking of the “Landshut” plane . In addition, he wrote several specialist books, whereby his three important late works emerged from the experiences of his long professional activity and his own war experiences.

Andreas Ploeger died on January 12, 2018 and found his final resting place in the Aachen forest cemetery .

Fonts (selection)

  • Skin temperature measurements when bending over: A modified bending over test as an objective diagnostic tool for cerebral vascular weakness , dissertation, Medical Faculty Tübingen, 1955
  • The therapeutic community in psychotherapy and social psychiatry: Theory and Practice , Thieme, Stuttgart 1972, ISBN 978-3-13-484001-8
  • Psychodrama therapy based on depth psychology , Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1983, ISBN 978-3-17-005615-2
  • "Cannon fodder": the seduction of the Hitler Youth into death; on the psychology of the "total war" , Pope Science Pub., Lengerich 2011, ISBN 978-3-89967-686-0
  • Violence and obedience: The dominance of the power experience of the Germans under Hitler - A book against the war , Schattauer GmbH, Stuttgart 2017, ISBN 978-3-7945-9069-8
  • The "final victory" in the muddy desert of the hunger camp: trapped in Remagen's "Golden Mile" - an appeal for peace , Shaker Media, Aachen 2017, ISBN 978-3-95631-614-2

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the Institute for Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology (IMPMS) at the RWTH Aachen University Hospital on the homepage of the UK Aachen