Andrei Alexandrescu

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Andrei Alexandrescu (* 1969 in Bucharest , Romania ) is a Romanian computer scientist and expert on the programming language C ++ . He is particularly known for his fundamental contributions to template metaprogramming and for his collaboration in the development of the D programming language .

Andrei Alexandrescu (2009)


Alexandrescu was born in Bucharest in 1969. He studied electrical engineering at the Bucharest Polytechnic University . In 1998 he moved to the United States , where he initially worked for finance and dot-com companies . From 2001 to 2009 he studied at the University of Washington , where he obtained a Ph.D. Degree in computer science on machine learning in computational linguistics . He initially worked at Facebook , but left the company after more than 5 years to devote himself entirely to the development of the D programming language .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of Alexandrescu's full-time devotion to the development of the programming language D (English)