Andrei Iwanowitsch Delwig

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Baron Andrei Iwanowitsch von Delwig (painting by Ilya Repin , 1882)

Andrei Ivanovich (from) Delwig ( Russian Андрей Иванович Дельвиг ; born March 1, jul. / 13. March  1813 greg. , † January 20 jul. / 1. February  1887 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian engineering Lieutenant General .



Baron Andrei Iwanowitsch von Delwig came from the Delwig family and was a son of Johann (Iwan) von Delwig (1783-1815) and Princess Alexandra Wolkonskaja († 1844). He was married to Emilija Levaschowa (1820-1878). From this marriage a son Alexander († 1844) was born.


Delwig studied in Saint Petersburg until 1832. Subsequently, until 1858, he was entrusted with the technical management and organization of larger civil engineering projects, such as the water supply in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod , as well as several railway lines, roads and ferries.

In the years 1861–1871 he held several leading positions in the Ministry of Transport and devoted himself in particular to the Russian railway company. He became chief inspector of the Russian railways and founder of one of the first railway technical schools in Russia.


  • Руководство к устройству водопроводов, М., 1856 (Guide to Aqueducts)
  • Описание московских водопроводов, "Журнал путей сообщения", 1858, т. 27 (description of Moscow water supply)
  • Полвека русской жизни. Воспоминания. 1820-1870, т. 1—2, М.—Л., 1930. (his memoirs)


  • Фальковский Н. И., История водоснабжения в России, М.—Л., 1947.
  • Otto Magnus von Stackelberg (edit.): Genealogical manual of the Estonian knighthood . Part 2, 3: Estonia, Vol .: 3, Görlitz, 1930, p. 98
  • Русский биографический словарь: Дабелов - Дядьковский. - Изд. под наблюдением председателя Императорского Русского Исторического Общества А. А. Половцова. - Санкт-Петербург: тип. Товарищества "Общественная польза", 1905 p. 198ff