Andromachus (son of Hieron)

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Andromachos ( Greek  Ἀνδρόμαχος ), son of Hieron, was a Macedonian officer of Alexander the great in the 4th century BC .

During the Asian campaign , Andromachos commanded the Battle of Gaugamela in 331 BC. 600 mounted mercenaries on the left wing. Apparently he was a subordinate of the mounted mercenaries who were under the command of the Menidas . In Ekbatana , Andromachos initially remained in the staff of Parmenion , but rejoined the main army in Areia that same year . Apparently he was accepted into the ranks of the Companions (hetairoi) at this time , because in the year 329 BC. In BC he led 60 hetaire riders in the fight against Spitamenes . Under the supreme command of Pharnuches , his troops were defeated at Polytimetus (Serafshan) near Marakanda (Samarqand) . It is not known whether Andromachos was one of the few survivors; in any case, he is no longer mentioned afterwards.

See also


  • Arrian , Anabasis 3, 12, 5; 3, 25, 4 and 4, 3, 7; 4, 5, 5 - 6, 2.
