Andronikos Kamateros

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Andronikos Kamateros ( Middle Greek Ἀνδρόνικος Καματηρός , * around 1110 in Constantinople , † around 1175 in Constantinople) was a Byzantine official.


Andronikos comes from a very influential family in the 12th century. Andronikos held after studying law and rhetoric during the reign of Manuel I Komnenos highest offices (epi ton deēseōn, city eparch ). He also promoted scholars ( Theodoros Prodromos ), with whom he was also in correspondence ( Euthymios Malakes , Gregorios Antiochos , Ioannes Tzetzes , Theodoros Balsamon ).

In 1160 Emperor Manuel sent him to Antiocheia together with other dignitaries to negotiate with Raimund von Poitiers about a possible marriage to his daughter Maria. Manuel and Maria were married on December 25, 1161.

In 1170–1175 Emperor Manuel I Komnenos commissioned him to write the Hiera Hoplothēkē ( Ἱερὰ Ὁπλοθήκη, spiritual armory). This probably served to underline the right Orthodox faith of the emperor. In the work, the philosophical knowledge (especially Aristotle ) and the theological interests of Andronikos become clear. It is considered one of the most important theological works of the 12th century.


  • Alessandra Bucossi: Ἱερὰ Ὁπλοθήκη - Sacrum Armamentarium by Andronikos Kamateros. Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca, Turnhout (in press)


  • Georg Stadtmüller : On the history of the Kamateros family. In: Byzantinische Zeitschrift 34, 1934, 352–358
  • Michael Grünbart : Prosopographic contributions to the corpus of Ioannes Tzetz's letters. In: Yearbook of Austrian Byzantine Studies 46, 1996, 217.220
  • Alessandra Bucossi: George Skylitzes' dedicatory verses for the Sacred Arsenal by Andronikos Kamateros and the Codex Marcianus Graecus 524. In: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 59, 2009, 37-50
  • Alessandra Bucossi: The Sacred Arsenal by Andronikos Kamateros, a forgotten treasure. In: A. Rigo - P. Ermilov (ed.): Byzantine theologians. The systematization of their own doctrine and their perception of foreign doctrines. Rome 2009, 33-50
  • Alessandra Bucossi (Ed.): Andronicus Camaterus. Sacrum Armamentarium, Pars prima (= Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 75). Brepols, Turnhout 2014. ISBN 978-2-503-54410-6