Recognition plaque for excellent performance in the technical service of the Air Force

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The recognition plaque for excellent performance in the technical service of the Air Force was a state award from the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Hermann Göring , which he donated by special decree on June 30, 1941. The prerequisites for the award were excellent performance and at least one year of service as aviation or automotive personnel. From September 1944 also as a reward to members of the Air Force followers in the area of ​​the general air master . The plaque was awarded from 1943 by the General Aviation Training Office .

The silver-plated medal made of zinc and with a diameter of 75 mm shows on its obverse in the center the portrait of Göring looking to the left and the inscription: THE COMMANDER OF THE AIR FORCE above and REICHSMARSCHALL Göring below. The lapel of the medal shows the Luftwaffe emblem and the inscription: FOR EXCELLENT ACHIEVEMENTS above and IN THE TECHNICAL SERVICE OF THE AIR FORCE . The medal was presented to the recipient in a black or dark blue case along with the corresponding award certificates in A5 format.

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus D. Patzwall : The non-wearable medals and plaques of the air force. 1935–1945 (= Studies on the History of Awards. Vol. 5). Patzwall, Norderstedt 2008, ISBN 978-3-931533-04-5 , pp. 11-17.