Angela Standhartinger

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Angela Standhartinger (* 1964 in Tübingen ) is a German theologian and professor of the New Testament at the Philipps University of Marburg .


Angela Standhartinger was born in Tübingen in 1964 as the daughter of theology students Astrid and Ernst Standhartinger. After moving several times, she grew up in Biebesheim am Rhein and graduated from high school in Gernsheim . Standhartinger studied Protestant theology at the universities of Frankfurt , Munich (LMU) and Heidelberg . During her studies, she founded the Feminist-Theological Society in Heidelberg with others and organized a feminist-theological lecture series in Frankfurt.

In 1991 she returned to Frankfurt and received her doctorate in 1994 with a scholarship from the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst on the image of women in Judaism in the Hellenistic period. A contribution based on 'Joseph and Aseneth' . From 1993 to 1998 she was a research associate at the Martin Buber Endowed Visiting Professorship in the Department of Protestant Theology. In 1998 she completed her habilitation for the subject of the New Testament with an examination of studies on the genesis and intention of the Epistle of Colossians . Then she was vicar at the St. Katharinengemeinde in Frankfurt. In 2000 she was a visiting scholar at Union Theological Seminary in New York for 6 months .

In the winter semester of 2000 she was appointed professor for the New Testament in the Protestant Theology department of Marburg . After more than 400 years, she was the first female professor at this faculty, founded in 1527. She is best known for her research on the ancient Jewish tale of Joseph and Asenat , the Lord's Supper, and Paul's exegesis.

She is a member of the European Society of Women in Biblical Research (ESWTR), co-founder of their German-speaking New Testament section, as well as various New Testament research societies , including the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS), the Society of Biblical Literature and the Scientific Society for Theology .

Publications (selection)

  • The image of women in Judaism in the Hellenistic period. A contribution based on 'Joseph and Aseneth' . (Works on the history of ancient Judaism and early Christianity 26), Leiden u. a .: Brill 1995 ISBN 9789004103504
  • Studies on the genesis and intention of the Letter to the Colossians (Supplements to Novum Testamentum 94), Leiden, Boston, Cologne: Brill 1999. ISBN 9789004112865
  • Gender equality. Challenge the Religions. VII. International Rudolf Otto Symposion, edited by Christoph Elsas, Edith Franke and Angela Standhartinger, Berlin: EB-Verl. 2014.
  • Doing Gender - Doing Religion. Case studies on intersectionality in early Judaism, Christianity and Islam , edited by Ute E. Eisen, Christine Gerber and Angela Standhartinger (Scientific Studies on the New Testament 302), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013.
  • Words to Remember - Women and the Origin of the "Words of Institution" , lectio difficilior 1 (2015), 1-25.
  • “And they all ate and were satisfied” (Mk 6.42 par.). The feeding stories in the context of Roman-Hellenistic festival cultures , Biblical Journal 57: 1 (2013), 60–81.
  • Rudolf Bultmann in interreligious dialogue , Evangelical Theologie 71 (2011), 16–34.
  • Rudolf Bultmann's theology of the New Testament in its context. Lecture at the opening of the semester, Marburg winter semester 2013/14, members' circular 2013–2014 of the Freundeskreis Marburger Theologie No. 15 (2014), 11–23
  • Women in meal communities. Discourse and reality of an ancient, early Jewish and early Christian practice , lectio difficilior 2 (2005). .
  • The woman must have authority over her head. (1 Corinthians 11:10). On the past and present of feminist interpretations of Paul.
  • Complete bibliography by Angela Standhartinger

Web links