Angelika Jahns

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Angelika Jahns, 2013

Angelika Jahn (* 3. August 1955 in Warmenau , now Wolfsburg ) is a German local politician of the CDU and was until 2017 a member of the Parliament of Lower Saxony . She is widowed and has three grown children.

education and profession

Jahns trained as a civil servant in the higher administrative service and initially worked for the city of Wolfsburg. She then moved to the Boldecker Land community (Gifhorn district), where she finished her training. Most recently, from 1995 to 1998, she worked as a regulatory and social welfare office manager at the Boldecker Land community.


Since 1986 she has been a member of the Brackstedt-Velstove-Warmenau local council of the city of Wolfsburg. Since 2006 she has also been the chairwoman of the local council and mayor of the town . In 1987 she became a member of the CDU and has been the district chairman since 1999.

Since the state election in 1998 Angelika Jahns was a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament until 2017 , most recently as a direct candidate for the constituency of Wolfsburg . In 1999 and 2009 , at the suggestion of her parliamentary group, she was sent to the Federal Assembly to participate in the election of the Federal President.

In the 2005 federal election , Angelika Jahns ran in the constituency of Helmstedt - Wolfsburg , but was defeated by the SPD applicant Hans-Jürgen Uhl .

Web links

Commons : Angelika Jahns  - Collection of images, videos and audio files