Affiliated institute

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An-Institut is a name for legally independent institutions at German universities, which are organizationally, personally and spatially linked with them, but without forming an integral part of the respective university. They are thus to be distinguished from the institutes as subdivisions of the university as well as from the institutes of the scientific organizations. Affiliated institutes are usually organized under private law , mostly as a registered association , but z. B. also as a foundation or GmbH . If they are not geared towards making a profit , they can usually meet the tax law requirements for charitable status. Koschatzky (2012) provides a Germany-wide overview of tasks, organizational forms and other characteristics of affiliated institutes. This also contains its own, somewhat narrower definition of the term affiliated institute from 2008. Among other things, it shows the economic independence from and contractual ties to the university as criteria of an affiliated institute. As early as 1986, the Science Council named in its “Statement on Cooperation between University and Business” under the heading “Special Forms of Cooperation”, “Institutes with a contractual relationship with the university ('Institute to ...')” as a means of promoting cooperation between Business and universities. However, the statement also points out that due to the potential for conflicts of interest in the institutions and persons involved, special attention is required when designing such structures and makes a number of recommendations for this.

State higher education laws

The term An-Institut is used by two of the 16 federal states in their state university laws , Brandenburg and Saxony. Apart from the higher education laws of the states of Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony and Hesse, which do not contain any corresponding regulations, there are regulations in the other state higher education laws for the recognition of special academic institutions outside the university by the university and / or the department as institutions "at the university" with more or less defined legal consequences for those involved, without using the term affiliated institute. On the other hand there are z. B. in Lower Saxony, without any special university regulations, at the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg next to the IfÖB (Institute for Economic Education of the Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg) the IÖB (Institute for Economic Education non-profit GmbH), the describes itself as an affiliated institute at the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg.


  1. Federal Research Report 2004 ( Memento from September 16, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) BMBF, Federal Research Report 2004, p. 31
  2. ^ Status and perspectives of affiliated institutes at universities ( Memento from September 16, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) "Status and prospects of affiliated institutes at universities", Fraunhofer ISI
  3. Wissenschaftsrat 1986, p. 98
  4. § 76 BbgHG § 76
  5. Section 95 of the Saxon University Freedom Act
  6. IfÖB
  7. IÖB gGmbH