Anja Jensen

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Anja Jensen (2003)

Anja Jensen (* 1966 in Gehrden , lives in Hamburg) is an international artist.

Anja Jensen studied at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz , the Académie de Port-Royal in Paris , the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel , the Muthesius Art Academy in Kiel and the Art Academy in Münster . She was a master student of Ulrich Erben .

The artist, who lives in Hamburg, deals with the scenario of surveillance in her photographic productions and transforms her picture locations into “crime scenes”. Since 2001 she has been staging magically enigmatic visual worlds reminiscent of film stills around the world. In the latest works, the ambivalent atmosphere of the selected locations is combined with biographical and political condensation to form a photographic storyboard of great urgency and political explosiveness.

Anja Jensen has received numerous prizes and grants for her artistic and photographic work, including the Märkische Stipendium für Bildende Kunst (2006). In 2013 the publication “Tatort” was published by Kehrer-Verlag.

At the invitation of the Goethe-Institut in Mexico, Anja Jensen represented Germany in the field of contemporary visual arts in Mexico during the Germany Year 2016 - alongside Candida Höfer , Michael Wesely , Hans Peter Kuhn and Gregor Schneider . As part of an urban research project, she developed an unusual photographic field study with children and young people relating to the family and social environment. Another focus of her stay in Mexico was productions with references to the current political and social situation.

Exhibitions (selection)

Solo exhibitions (EA) + group exhibitions

  • 2019 10 years MKdW - CONTEMPORARY , Museum Art of the West Coast in Alkersum
  • 2018 Under the spell of the North Sea. The north German landscape since 1900 , Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen
  • 2018 Santa Muerte, an audio-visual performance with Anja Kreysing and Tomasz A. Nowak , St. Lamberti Münster EA
  • 2017 Visto Bueno, 1 ciudad, 4 semanas, 200 perspectivas de la CDMX , Año Dual Alemania en México, Museo Archivo de la Fotografía, Mexico City EA
  • 2017 7 Walks in the Woods. Artistic securing of evidence in the Rabenholzer Forest , Society for Contemporary Concepts eV, Kiel
  • 2016 Ciudadanas - Caminamos oscuras , Año Dual Alemania en México, German Pavilion, Mexico City EA
  • 2016 Beyond Time , Museum Art of the West Coast, Alkersum, Föhr
  • 2015/16 Staged Photography , Neue Galerie Gladbeck EA
  • 2014 Art and Coast, selected works from the collection , Museum Art of the West Coast, Föhr
  • 2014 Tatort , Knut Osper project room, Cologne EA
  • 2014 Tatort , Photoszene Festival Cologne EA
  • 2013 Tatort , Galerie f5,6, Munich EA
  • 2013 Tatort , Museum Art of the West Coast, Alkersum, Föhr EA
  • 2012 Private art collections in Münster: Director's Choice , Kunsthalle Münster
  • 2011 The Solo Project , Basel EA
  • 2009 Together in Motion, Contemporary Art from Germany and China, Museum of Art, Wuhan
  • 2009 In God We Trust. The Rest We Monitor , Galerie Kashya Hildebrand, Zurich EA
  • 2009 Staged Photography , Knut Osper Project Space, Cologne EA
  • 2009 Surveillance Photography , MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo), Santiago de Chile EA
  • 2009 Surveillance Photography , Sala de Arte, Mall Plaza Vespucio, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Chile) , Santiago de Chile EA
  • 2008 New Talents , Art Cologne , Förderkoje EA
  • 2008 Nya Fotoarbeten, Galleri 5, Visby, Gotland EA
  • 2007 Transfer Türkiye-NRW 2005–2007 , Ludwig Forum for International Art Aachen, Museum Bochum , Kunsthalle Münster, Santralistanbul, Istanbul
  • 2007 Failed Hope, New Romanism in Contemporary German Photography , Photomonth Krakau
  • 2007 Blind Date II , Zhu Qizhan Art Museum, Shanghai
  • 2005 After the Fact, 1st Berlin Photography Festival, Martin-Gropius-Bau , Berlin
  • 2004 Anja Jensen, Galerie f 5,6, Munich EA
  • 2004 It's for security, Kulturforum Rheine EA
  • 2004 Palma-Munich-Amsterdam, exhibition series Black-Box Münster Osnabrück International Airport EA
  • 2001 Rewizyta, Gallery XX1, Warsaw EA
  • 1999 Tiger , Wewerka Pavilion, Münster EA

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Exhibition details . Retrieved December 2, 2019 .