Plant and apparatus builder

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Manufacture of a workpiece

The plant and equipment manufacturer ( French Constructeur d'appareils industriels , Italian Costruttore d'impianti e apparecchi ) is a basic vocational training in Switzerland .

The training lasts four years and takes place at the same time in the training company and in the vocational school.

Previous occupations

The current occupation of plant and apparatus engineering was created in 2001 with the merger of the former plant and apparatus engineering (according to regulations from 1988), mill builder (according to regulations from 1994) and industrial smith (according to regulations from 1995).

Work area

The plant and apparatus manufacturer produces individual parts, apparatus and entire systems or plants made of metal.

Possible products are railroad cars, components for air conditioning and heating systems, etc.

The plant and equipment manufacturer can make his contribution to the product in all phases of the project, from planning, through production and commissioning to service and repair.

Training opportunities

Related professions

Web links

Individual evidence
