Anna Beddies

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Anna Beddies (born January 28, 1891 in Braunschweig ; † January 28, 1976 there ) was a German politician ( KPD ).


During the time of National Socialism , Anna Beddies was one of the few Germans who arranged medical help for foreign female forced laborers and supplied them with food. During this time she worked for the Bremer & Brückmann company . After the liberation from National Socialism , Anna Beddies was elected as a works councilor there. From February 21, 1946 to November 21, 1946 she was a member of the Appointed Braunschweig Landtag .


  • Klaus Erich Pollmann : beginning and end at the same time. The Braunschweigische Landtag 1946. In: Sources and researches on Braunschweigische Landesgeschichte , Volume 35, Self-published Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein , Wolfenbüttel 1999, ISBN = 978-392800916-4.
  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. Edited by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Lower Saxony State Parliament, Hanover 1996, p. 33.

Individual evidence

  1. Bernhild Vögel: “Maternity Home for Eastern Workers” Braunschweig, Broitzemer Strasse 200. (PDF; 2.7 MB) p. 135