Annalisa Durante

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Annalisa Durante (born February 19, 1990 in Naples ; † March 27, 2004 ibid) was an Italian schoolgirl who was a victim of the Camorra .


Durante lived with her parents in the Neapolitan district of Forcella , which is notorious for the local Mafia activities. At school she wrote essays expressing her desire to leave Naples later, as she was very concerned about the ongoing violence and drug use there. At the same time, however, she also praised the warmth of the Neapolitans.

A few months before her death, 22-year-old student Claudio Taglialatela was murdered during a robbery in the same area. Durante wrote the following about this in her diary :

“Oggi abbiamo visto i funerali di Claudio in televisione. Abbiamo pianto tanto. Mia madre è sconvolta, dice che è la cosa più orribile perdere un figlio. A me mi è venuto il freddo addosso. Che tragedia. Perché si deve the so? Non è giusto. "

“Today we saw Claudio's funeral on TV. We cried a lot. My mother is disturbed. She says that losing a child is the worst thing ever. It ran down my spine as freezing. What a tragedy! Why did he have to die like this? It's not fair."

In the diary, she also mentioned that her father wanted the family to be removed from Forcella.


On March 27, 2004, a Saturday, Durante arrived in front of her home at around 11 p.m. and then chatted with friends next to the street. A short time later, a scooter with two men pulled up and shots were fired at the then 19-year-old Salvatore Giuliano. Giuliano was a member of a mafia gang that was in conflict with other gangs and had only recently been released from prison. He then drew his gun and fired back. A bullet hit Durante in the neck. She collapsed and lay on the street. A little later she succumbed to her serious injuries.

Durante's aunt, who witnessed the crime, later testified that Giuliano grabbed the girl and used it as a shield.

Giuliano was arrested by the police on March 30th and sentenced to 24 years in prison in March 2006. The prison sentence was reduced to 20 years in 2008.


The murder of the 14-year-old caused shock waves across the country and brought back memories of the bloody gang wars that ravaged southern Italy in the 1980s. Durante's parents decided to donate their organs after their daughter died.

In 2005 Durante's diary was published as a book entitled Il Diario di Annalisa . Roberto Saviano wrote about the case in his book Gomorrah .


Individual evidence

  1. a b 27 March 2004: L'ultimo giorno di Annalisa Durante . In: Napolitan , March 27, 2017. Retrieved February 20, 2019. 
  2. a b c d Annalisa Durante. (PDF) Ministero dell'Interno, accessed on February 20, 2019 .
  3. a b Annalisa Durante, una vita stroncata troppo presto . In: Opinione Pubblica , September 16, 2018. Retrieved February 20, 2019.