Series of attacks in Iraq on August 15, 2011

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The series of attacks in Iraq on August 15, 2011 are bomb attacks on 18 cities in Iraq in eight provinces on August 15, 2011. A total of 74 people were killed and more than 300 injured. The motives of the attackers are not known. Shiites , Sunnis and Kurds were among the victims of the attacks . The authorities blame Al Qaeda for the crime.


Since the end of the third Gulf war will Iraq by a coalition led by the United States occupied . As a result, there are repeated attacks across the country.

In the last major series of attacks on May 10, 2010 , around 60 attacks killed at least 110 people and injured more than 500.



A bomb exploded in the Al-Mansur district in Baghdad .


Gunmen stormed a checkpoint in Bakuba . 4 people died. One person died in four bomb attacks in southern cities. The governor's seat in Bakuba has been evacuated.

Chan Bani Saad

In Chan Bani Saad , Dijala , a suicide bomber killed between five and eight people with a car bomb. The goal was a public building.


In Kut , two bombs exploded in a busy place in the city center. According to the Iraqi authorities, between 34 and 40 people died and around 65 others were injured. Many women and children were among the victims. The destination was the Al-Batur maternity hospital . After the first bomb detonated on the side of the road, a second explosive device, hidden in a car, aimed at helpers and onlookers, exploded.


In Karbala , seven people died in an attack on a court building. There were 20 injured.


In Kirkuk , a person was killed in an attack on a market. There were eleven civilians injured.

According to the police, property damage also occurred in an explosion at a Syrian Orthodox Church.


Two car bombs exploded in Najaf . The goal was a police post in the city. Between four and seven people died and around 60 were injured. Most of the victims were police officers.


A bomb detonated in Ramadi, killing two police officers.


In Tikrit , two or three suicide bombers dressed in police uniforms attacked the anti-terrorist agency office located in a former palace complex of Saddam Hussein . They killed three police officers, including the head of an anti-terrorist unit. According to the authorities, one of the assassins detonated an explosives belt, one was shot and a third escaped.


Parliamentary President Osama el Nujaifi condemned the attacks and called for an investigation into the people behind them and the motives.

UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon condemned the attacks, describing them as " particularly serious in the holy month of Ramadan ".

Germany's Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle condemned the attacks.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Series of attacks cost 74 lives. In: The world . August 16, 2011, accessed August 17, 2011 .
  2. a b c d UN Secretary General condemns bomb terror in Iraq. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . August 16, 2011, accessed August 16, 2011 .
  3. a b c d e f Many fatalities in a series of attacks. In: Frankfurter Rundschau . August 15, 2011, accessed August 16, 2011 .
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k Dozens of dead after attacks in six cities. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . August 15, 2011, accessed August 16, 2011 .
  5. a b 60 people killed. In: the daily newspaper . August 15, 2011, accessed August 16, 2011 .
  6. Jump up ↑ Dozens of people are killed by extremists. In: Spiegel Online . August 15, 2011, accessed August 16, 2011 .