Antônio Conselheiro

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Antônio Vicente Mendes Maciel , better known as Antônio Conselheiro (Antonio the advisor, born March 13, 1830 in Quixeramobim , Ceará , † September 22, 1897 in Canudos , Bahia ) was a Brazilian social and spiritual leader. He was the central figure in the War of Canudos .


Photo of the dead Antônio Conselheiro

Antônio Maciel grew up in a relatively wealthy family. Therefore, he enjoyed a good education and learned several foreign languages. From the beginning of the 1870s Maciel moved as a traveling preacher through the Sertão and a growing number of followers joined him, with whom he had messianic status. During this time he was nicknamed Conselheiro .

In 1893 he settled with his supporters in the Fazenda Canudos and founded the village of "Belo Monte" there. It then became a center of attraction for many residents of the poverty-stricken area. In Canudos, Antônio Conselheiro rebelled against many measures taken by the young republic. He viewed civil marriage, tax laws, compulsory education and the general census as the work of the devil. The counselor led an ascetic life and was hardly involved in the organizational and military decision-making processes.

The government viewed his movement as a monarchist threat. So it came to the war of Canudos (1896 to 1897), in the course of which the republic sent three unsuccessful military expeditions to Canudos. Only the fourth expedition could a siege of the city begin. The siege made the supply situation catastrophic and Antônio Conselheiro died of dysentery shortly before the final defeat . Belo Monte was destroyed and almost all of the inhabitants were killed.




  1. ^ Antônio Conselheiro: "About the Republic" and "Farewell" . In: Anna L. Peterson, Manuel A. Vasquez (eds.): Latin American religions. Histories and documents in context . New York University Press, New York 2008, ISBN 978-0-8147-6731-3 , pp. 148-152.