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Anthropomaximology is the teaching developed in the USSR to maximize the physical, intellectual and sensory performance of humans. Sport is used here as a role model and field of experimentation, even if it is also about the performance of soldiers , cosmonauts , dancers , but also scientists. The methods were also used in the GDR . Some of the methods used here (e.g. the use of testosterone ) are considered doping in sport , but are required to improve the soldier's physical performance. The neuro-enhancers tested here are now also used by scientists in the West.

Individual evidence

  1. Kouznetsov, V .: The Olympic Games and the Future of Mankind. Olympic Review 85: 102-105 (1985);
  2. ^ Kuznetsov, VV The Potentialities of Man and Anthropomaximology. International Social Science Journal 34.2 (1982): 277-289.
  3. ^ Arnd Krüger : High-performance sport - The high-performance sport in the early GDR, in: Wolfgang Buss , Christian Becker u. a. (Ed.): Sport in the Soviet Zone and the early GDR. Genesis - structures - conditions . Schorndorf: Hofmann 2001, 535 - 556.