Anti-fascist education

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Anti-fascist education (also anti-fascist education ) thematizes aspects of didactic and methodological reflections on the new conception of political education in relation to right-wing extremism and the era of National Socialism . Anti-fascist education is assigned to the political spectrum of orthodox Marxism and was not recognized as an educational concept, as the lack of the keyword in educational reference works shows. In the GDR, anti-fascism was part of the state doctrine and anti-fascist education was a cornerstone of popular education.

Anti-fascist education in the GDR

Anti-fascism was part of the state doctrine of the GDR . The state doctrinal understanding of anti-fascism had consequences: anti-fascist education in the GDR did not go hand in hand with the democratization of social conditions, but was increasingly thwarted by increasing Stalinization. Anti-fascist education became a means of totalitarian indoctrination. Even the efforts of many educators for anti-fascist personal development were ultimately turned into their opposite by the political conditions of action. Following the phase of anti-fascist re-education in 1945–1949, GDR education never produced a concept of anti-fascist education. The formulaic anti-fascism was abused above all for the education of an absolutely loyal citizen. The claim to sole representation narrowed anti-fascism to the political line of the SED. Opponents of this line were banned from 'fascism'. Anti-fascist upbringing was seen as a cornerstone of popular education in the GDR, but the image conveyed here created a dualization between anti-fascist resistance fighters and fascist henchmen and ignored the guilt of those who were seduced and those who followed them.

Anti-fascist education in the FRG

Theodor W. Adorno named psychological and civilizational problems to which anti-fascist pedagogy must respond. Adorno had not yet developed a pedagogical program, but provided a sketch of the context of reflection in which such a program should be conceived. Adorno differs from other conceptions of modern pedagogy in that he does not regard anti-fascist education as a sub-area of ​​education, but as the basis of all education. Adorno laid the basis for this in his manuscript Education after Auschwitz 1966 with the statement: "The demand that Auschwitz not be again is the very first thing in education." Adorno saw all other debates about educational ideals as "void and indifferent", political instruction should be centered on “that Auschwitz does not repeat itself”.

In the 1990s the need for “ pedagogy against the law ” was discussed. The impetus for this was provided by the success of right-wing parties in state elections, the asylum debate in 1991–1993 and acts of racist violence.

Georg Auernheimer pointed out: “For many, anti-fascist education had and still has the bland taste of penetrating instruction or - worse still - of doctrinal instruction. Even among the young left it met with skepticism. "Nonetheless, Auernheimer tried to stick to the approach, but saw three problems with it: institutional, psychological and factual. The institutional framework of the school is unsuitable, does not leave the necessary" concern " come up. In psychological terms, Auernheimer addressed the biographical involvement of teachers. From a factual point of view, Auernheimer criticized the practice of an exonerating view of history in East and West Germany.

Peter Dudek criticized the unsuccessful anti-fascist education and demanded "to finally say goodbye to the illusion that one could react appropriately to the legal development of young people with 'anti-fascist' education concepts". Antifascism is at best suitable for the “political self-assurance of left educators”. Concepts of youth work that seriously address the problems of young people are needed.

See also


Anti-fascist education:

  • Georg Auernheimer : Is anti-fascist education outdated today? . In: Frank Deppe / Georg Fülberth (Eds.): Antifaschismus , Heilbronn 1996, pp. 512-524.
  • Peter Dudek : "Anti-Fascist Education"? Skeptical considerations on a key educational concept . In: Die Deutsche Schule, No. 4, 1990, pp. 474–483.
  • Peter Dudek / Erich Jansen, historical learning or anti-fascist education. Sticking to the (anti-fascist) concept of education must at least be reconsidered, in: päd. extra & democratic education, September 1988, pp. 6-10.
  • Against forgetting. Anti-fascist education in school. Experiences, projects, suggestions . GEW Berlin (ed.), Fischer, 1981
  • Benno Hafeneger : Education, youth work and democracy. Farewell to "anti-fascist education" . In: Sozialmagazin, 15 (1990) 5, pp. 32-37.
  • Wilhelm Heitmeyer : Enlightenment and Fascism Potential. Is there a contemporary anti-fascist education? . In: Neue Sammlung 28/1988, pp. 419–432.
  • Brigitte Reich / Wolfgang Stammwitz: Anti-Fascist Education in the Federal Republic? On the difficulties of an educational “overcoming National Socialism” . In: Hanns-Fred Rathenow / Norbert H. Weber (ed.): Education after Auschwitz . Centaurus, 1989, pp. 98-108; ISBN 3-89085-230-0
  • Wilfried Schubarth: Visits to the former concentration camp - “bone tourism” or an effective form of anti-fascist education. In: memorials circular. 1990, No. 38, pp. 5-7.
  • Wolf Rüdiger Wilms: Anti-Fascist Education Today - On the Relationship between Affliction and Knowledge in the Formation of Anti-Fascist Consciousness: Introductory remarks on the 1st Frankfurt Discussion of the Study Group on November 20, 1985 . In: Information: Scientific journal of the German resistance study group 1933-1945 , 1986 (24), pp. 16-19.
  • Merlin Wolf (Ed.): Antifascist pedagogy. Aschaffenburg 2019
Education against the law
  • Benno Hafeneger (1989): Education against the right. On the history of the educational reaction patterns against right-wing extremism . In: G. Paul (ed.): Hitler's shadow faded, Bonn, pp. 195–219.
  • Franz Josef Krafeld (2012): Is there a need for special pedagogy against the law? No but! In: Stephan Bundschuh / Ansgar Drücker / Thilo Scholle (eds.), Guide to youth work against right-wing extremism. Motives, practical examples and perspectives for action, Bonn, Federal Agency for Civic Education, pp. 49–60.
  • Matthias Krebs (2004), Education Against Right. Prevention and intervention options, Marburg: Tectunm
  • Gert Geissler / Ulrich Wiegmann: School and Education in the GDR: Studies and Documents , Neuwied 1995.

Individual evidence

  1. See Peter Dudek, Hans Gerd Jaschke: Jugend rechtsaussen: Analyzes, Essays, Critique, 1982, p. 20
  2. Cf. Georg Auernheimer, Is anti-fascist education outdated today? In: Frank Deppe / Georg Fülberth (eds.): Antifaschismus, Heilbronn 1996, p. 512-524, p. 513.
  3. See Siegfried Wolf, On the decreed anti-fascism in the GDR. Some theses on its consequences, in: päd extra & democratic education, September 1990, pp. 22–26, p. 25.
  4. Cf. Ulrich Wiegmann: On the contradiction between anti-fascist claims and educational practice in the GDR. In: Pädagogik und Schulalltag 46 (1991) Heft 4, pp. 401–409, 403.
  5. See Hermann Weber: Die DDR 1945-1990, 5th edition, Oldenbourg Verlag Munich 2012, p. 206.
  6. ^ Hermann Langer: Conflagration from the right. On right-wing extremism in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Rostock 1993, p. 8.
  7. Irina Djassemy, The "Productive Content of Critical Destroyer Work ". Cultural criticism by Karl Kraus and Theodor W. Adorno , Königshausen & Neumann, 2002, p. 430.
  8. Cf. Georg Wagensommer: How to teach the Holocaust: Didactic guidelines and empirical research on religious education after Auschwitz , Frankfurt 2009, pp. 30f.
  9. Georg Auernheimer: Is anti-fascist education outdated today? . In: Frank Deppe / Georg Fülberth (eds.): Antifaschismus , Heilbronn 1996, p. 512-524, p. 513f.
  10. Peter Dudek: "Anti-Fascist Education"? Skeptical considerations on a key educational concept . In: Die Deutsche Schule, Heft 4, 1990, pp. 474–483, p. 480.