Antelopes (short film)

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Antilopen is a German short film from 2013 that was directed by Patrick Häfner. The film can be assigned to the genre thriller / horror film .


The professional criminals Ralf and Sören act as debt collectors. You drive to a victim named Klaus Mahler, who owes his client Bachmann 50,000 euros. Sören found the address of "Klaus Mahler" in the phone book.

Both drive to a detached house in a suburb of Munich. There they ring the doorbell for an inconspicuous man with full hair who claims to know no Bachmann. Together they forcefully enter his house and overwhelm him. Klaus Mahler, who is tied to a chair in the living room, emphasizes again that it must be a mix-up and Sören breaks his finger. Ralf threatens him with torture and tells him that he specializes in torture in soft tissues. Mahler threatens the two criminals to turn on Frank, his lawyer, which leads to amusement at Ralf. When the desperate Mahler says he has 9,000 euros in the basement, Ralf begins to believe that they really got the wrong guy. Ralf calls his client and it turns out that the meant "Klaus Mahler" is a bald man. Ralf reproaches Sören, congratulates Mahler on sparing him the torture and decides to take the money with him from the cellar as "allowance for expenses". Mahler describes the place where the money is kept: a freezer in the basement. When Ralf and Sören realize in the basement that there is no money in the freezer, Ralf gets angry. He goes upstairs to torture the repository from Mahler with a drill. Sören stays in the cellar and looks around. There, to his horror, he discovered human body parts in jars and a dissecting table with surgical instruments. He alerts Ralf, who had been knocked down by Mahler, who was able to free himself. Sören wants to inform Ralf of his discovery and leave the house as quickly as possible, but Ralf wants to get revenge on Mahler and looks for him in the house. So he is stunned by a stranger with a blowpipe arrow. Ralf is also anaesthetized with a blowpipe arrow. Ralf and Sören wake up tied up in the basement of the bald-headed Mahler - he has now taken off his wig - where he introduces them to Frank. Frank is also specialized in soft tissues and he starts to work Ralf with the drill. The film ends with Ralf's screams of pain and death.



Entry on IMDb

Individual evidence

  1. Antelopes. Retrieved November 3, 2018 .