Antiochus III. (Commagene)

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Antiochus III. Epiphanes ( ancient Greek ο Αντίοχος Επιφανής ; † 17) was a king of Kommagene of Armenian - Greek - Median descent, who lived around the birth of Christ. He was a son and successor of Mithridates III. and the Median princess and queen of Commagene Iotapa. He followed his father in 12 BC. On the throne and ruled 12 BC. Chr. To 17 AD. So far very little is known about him.

When Antiochus died in the year 17, his death was grave for the kingdom. At the time of his death, the empire was in political turmoil. The reasons for this development are unknown, but it took place when his children of an unknown wife, Prince Antiochus IV and Princess Iotapa, were too young to succeed their father on the throne and so there was no authority, the civil one Prevent unrest and unite the citizens of Kommagenes. Two groups have emerged since his death: one, led by nobles and in favor of subordinating Kommagene to the rule of the Roman Empire , and the other, led by civilians, wanted to keep the rule of the king.

The political groups sent ambassadors to Rome to seek advice and help from Emperor Tiberius in order to decide the future of Commagenes. The groups agreed when they asked Rome about the future of the empire, and they were also aware of the reality of Rome's politics and were ready to accept Tiberius' decision. They were also ready to live under Rome's rule. So when they sent ambassadors to Rome, they marked the end of Commagene's independence.

Tiberius decided to add Kommagene to the province of Syria . This decision was welcomed by many of the citizens of Commagene, except for a few who supported the royal family. Kommagene was part of the Roman Empire until Caligula restored it as a kingdom in 38 and handed it over to the children of Antiochus.


  • Annales - Part One: Tiberius, Chapter 4

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mark Chahin: The Kingdom of Armenia , pp. 190-191, Routledge Publishing, 2001, ISBN 0-7007-1452-9