Antiochus X.

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Antiochus X. Eusebes Philopator was one of the pretenders in the confused family feuds towards the end of the Seleucid dynasty . His reign began in 95 BC. BC, his first achievement was the victory over his cousin Seleukos VI. Epiphanes , with whom he saw the death of his father Antiochus IX. Cyzikenus recently avenged - his epithets stand for this part of his life story: Eusebes (part of his father's title) and Philopator (father-loving) refer to the same person.

He ruled the city of Antioch and its surroundings and waged endless battles against the four brothers of Seleucus VI, the Nabataeans and the Parthians . The time of his fall is unclear: Josephus reports that he was around 90 BC. Died in the fight against the Parthians (Antioch went to Philip I Philadelphus with certainty at this time ), whereas Appian says that he was killed during the invasion of the Armenian king Tigranes II in 83 BC. - but in this case there would be a gap of several years in which nothing is known about him.

One of his sons, Antiochus XIII. Asiaticus , was made client king of Syria by Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus after defeating Tigranes.


predecessor Office successor
Seleucus VI. King of the Seleucid Empire
95–83 BC Chr.
Antiochus XI.