Antiochus XII.

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Antiochus XII.

Antiochus XII. Dionysus Epiphanes Philopator Kallinikos (* approx. 115 BC; † 84 BC ) was from 87 BC. Until his death king of the Seleucid Empire . He was the fifth son of Antiochus VIII Grypus to ascend the throne. His mother was Tryphaina , his father's first wife. He followed his brother Demetrios III. Eukairos as ruler of the southern parts of the remaining Seleucid Empire, especially the city of Damascus and its surroundings, and fought against his brother Philip I Philadelphos , who ruled in the north. Initially he received support from the Ptolemies . He was killed on a campaign against the Nabataeans who conquered Damascus a little later.


predecessor Office successor
Demetrios III. King of the Seleucid Empire
87–84 BC Chr.