Antiphos (son of Aigyptius)

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Antiphos is a person from Greek mythology .

The Antiphos mentioned in Homer's Odyssey came from Ithaca and was a son of the old, experienced hero Aigyptius . His brother Eurynomus was one of the suitors of Odysseus' wife Penelope . Antiphos took part in the Trojan War , fought against Eurypylos , killed his companion Meilanion and was able to escape his pursuit. After the end of the war he was one of Odysseus' companions on his long wanderings home. When they landed on the island of the gigantic Cyclops Polyphemus and were imprisoned in his cave, Polyphemus ate several of Odysseus' companions, including Antiphos.



  1. Quintus of Smyrna , Posthomerica 8, 125ff.
  2. Homer, Odyssey 2, 15ff .; Quintus of Smyrna, Posthomerica 8, 126.