Antoculeora ornatissima

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Antoculeora ornatissima
Antoculeora ornatissima.jpg

Antoculeora ornatissima

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Owl butterfly (Noctuidae)
Subfamily : Plusiinae
Genre : Antoculeora
Type : Antoculeora ornatissima
Scientific name
Antoculeora ornatissima
( Walker , 1858)

Antoculeora ornatissima ( Syn .: Antoculeora minor ) is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of the owl butterfly (Noctuidae) that occursin Asia.



The wingspan of the moth is 36 to 40 millimeters. Red-brown to purple-brown colorations are predominant on the upper forewings. In Antoculeora ornatissima, the typical gamma sign visible in the discal region for many gold owl species ( Plusiinae ) is divided into two large, oval, silvery-white spots. A few other, very small, silver-white dots and lines stand out in the disk and basal regions . The wavy line is very jagged. The upper side of the hind wing is unmarked gray-brown. The thorax is furry. The back of the head and collar are decorated with striking tufts of red hair.

Similar species

In terms of drawing, the moths of Antoculeora locuples and Antoculeora yoshimotoi resemble those of Antoculeora ornatissima . A reliable determination is possible by means of a genital morphological examination or a DNA barcoding analysis.


Antoculeora ornatissima occurs in India to the western Himalayan region as well as in Russia , Pakistan , China and Japan .

Way of life

The nocturnal moths visit artificial light sources . Details on the species' way of life have yet to be researched.

Individual evidence

  1. Barry Goater, László Ronkay and Michael Fibiger: Catocalinae & Plusiinae Noctuidae Europaeae, Volume 10. , Sorø 2003 ISBN 87-89430-08-5 , p. 158
  2. a b c d Twinkle Sinha, PR Shashank & Pratima Chaudhuri Chattopadhyay: DNA barcoding and morphological characterization of moth Antoculeora ornatissima (Walker, 1858) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a new range record from western Himalayan region of India , Journal of Threatened Taxa , November 26, 2018, 10 (13), pp. 12817–12820
  3. Zoltán Varga & László Ronkay: Structural constraints of secondary asymmetry in male external genitalia of Noctuidae , Insect Systematics & Evolution 44, 2013, pp. 349–372

Web links

Commons : Antoculeora ornatissima  - collection of images, videos and audio files