Antoine de Bertrand

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Antoine de Bertrand (* around 1540 in Fontanges , † around 1581 in Toulouse ) was a French composer of the Renaissance. In his early phase he mainly created secular chansons. In his later phase he composed mainly Jesuit -influenced religious hymns and chants. Bertrand was killed by Protestants in a skirmish during the Huguenot Wars .

life and work

The first three works published by Bertrand, three chansons, can be found in a collective print by Le Roy & Ballard from 1570. Three further books with Bertrand's compositions were printed: (1, 2) Les Amours de Pierre de Ronsard (Volume I, 1576 , Volume II, 1578) and the (3) Troisième livre de chansons (1578). Simon Goulart created new texts for the pieces in the first two books and published them as Sonets chrestiens in 1580.

After Bertrand's death in 1582, Latin hymns and French sacred chants were published under the title Airs spirituels .

Bertrand's contemporaries admired the bold harmony and chromaticity in his compositions.


  • Wilibald Gurlitt , Carl Dahlhaus (ed.): Riemann Music Lexicon. In three volumes and two supplementary volumes. Bertrand, Antoine de. 12th completely revised edition. 1. Personal section A – KB Schotts-Söhne, Mainz 1959, p. 158 f . (First edition: 1882).
  • Wilibald Gurlitt, Carl Dahlhaus (ed.): Riemann Music Lexicon. In three volumes and two supplementary volumes. Bertrand, Antoine de. 12th completely revised edition. 4. Personal section A – KB Schotts-Söhne, Mainz 1972, p. 107 (first edition: 1882).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to VIAF, DNB and LCCN.
  2. a b c d e f g Riemann music dictionary. 1959. Bertrand, Antoine de.
  3. a b Statement from the corresponding articles on French and English Wikipedia.
  4. Evidence for this statement in the corresponding articles on French and English Wikipedia.