Antoine de Lévis-Mirepoix

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1953. Remise de l'épée d'académicien au duc de Levis-Mirepoix à Mirepoix (1953) - 53Fi4942.jpg

Antoine Pierre Marie François Joseph de Lévis-Mirepoix (born August 1, 1884 in Léran , Ariège, † July 16, 1981 in Lavelanet ) was a French historian, essayist and novelist.

Lévis-Mirepoix attended high school in Toulouse with a licentiate in literature and wanted to become a writer at an early age.

He was the 4th Baron Lévis-Mirepoix and like his father as the Duke of San Fernando Luis Grande of Spain (confirmed 1916). He himself then carried the title of duke (since he saw the Spanish king, from whom he received it, as from the line of the Bourbons), even if this was only allowed by de Gaulle in France in 1961, and published as Duc de Mirepoix.

In 1932 he received the Grand Prix Gobert for François Ier and in 1948 for La France de la Renaissance . He was a member of the Académie française (1953) as the successor to the excluded Charles Maurras , whose seat was only refilled after his death, with Lévis-Mirepoix holding an Eloge on his predecessor. He was also a member of the Académie des Jeux floraux in Toulouse (1924). In 1934 he became chairman of the Association d'entraide de la noblesse française.

Among other things, he wrote about Renaissance France, his best-known book was about Philip the Fair .

He stood for Action française and worked for the royalist magazine La Nation française , which existed from 1955 to 1967. Lévis-Mirepoix wrote for La Revue de France, Le Jour, L'Excelsior, Paris-Soir, La Revue de Paris, La Revue des Deux Monde, among others. During the Second World War he was mayor of Mirepoix (Ariège) .

He was founding president of the France-Canada Institute.


Historical works:

  • Philippe Auguste et ses trois femmes, Coll. Histoire, XXXIII, Club des Libraires de France, Paris, 1962 (first as Les trois femmes de Philippe Auguste, Ed. De Paris 1947)
  • Sainte Jeanne de France, fille de Louis XI, Flammarion, 1943.
  • Les Guerres de Religion 1559-1610, Coll. Connaissance de l'histoire - Arthème Fayard 1950 (first 1947)
  • Le siècle de Philippe le Bel, Éditions de Paris 1936
  • Philippe le Bel, Librairie académique Perrin 1973
  • François Ier, Le Livre contemporain 1931
  • La France de la Renaissance, 1947
  • Aventures d'une famille française, La Palatine 1955 (history of the Lévis family)
  • Le coeur secret de Saint-Simon, Plon 1935
  • La guerre de Cent Ans, Albin Michel, 1973
  • La France Féodale, 6 volumes, Librairie Jules Tallandier, 1977
  • La tragédie des Templiers, La Bonne Presse 1955
  • L'Attentat d'Agnani. Le Conflit entre la papauté et le roi de France, Gallimard 1961
  • Saint Louis, roi de France, Albin Michel 1970
  • Henri IV, roi de France et de Navarre, Libraire académique Perrin, 1971
  • Latouche Tréville à Naples. Un expedition diplomatique et militaire, Paris, August Picard 1926 (diplomatic mission of Latouche Tréville in Italy 1792/73)


  • Le papillon noire 1912
  • Le nouvel apôtre 1920
  • Le baiser de l'antéchrist, Plon 1919
  • Le voyage de Satan, Nouvelle Librairie Nationale 1925

Historical novels:

  • Montségur, Albin Michel 1924
  • Le seigneur inconnu, Plon 1922


  • Les Campagnes ardentes - récit de guerre, Plon 1934 (impressions from the First World War, received a prize from the Academie francaise in 1917)
  • Grandeur et misère de l'individualisme français, Librairie académique Perrin 1962
  • Vieilles races et Temps nouveaux, 1934
  • La vie des poupées, contes à ma fille, 1934
  • Vieilles races et temps nouveaux (reports)
  • with the Comte (Count) Félix de Vogüé: La politesse, son rôle, ses usages, Hachette 1937
  • Ferdinande, play 1961
  • Le Ravisseur, play 1965
  • Le roi n'est mort qu 'une fois, 1965

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