Anton Sauprügl

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Anton Sauprügl (* 1965 ) is an Austrian musician and music school director of the Erlauftal Music School Association in Purgstall , Lower Austria . He achieved his greatest success with the music cabaret Die Landstreich when they were awarded the Salzburg Bull in 2003.

The son of an agriculturally employed family decided against taking over the farm . Sauprügl invested his first earned money in his passion music, from which he has lived as a music teacher and musician since 1989 . In 1988 Sauprügl was clarinetist with the Lower Austria Military Music in Sankt Pölten . From 1990 he studied church music in St. Pölten . As a church musician, he was church organist in the parish of Purgstall from 1996 to 2005 and from 2001 to 2005 Kapellmeister , also in his home parish. Sauprügl was a studio musician and accordionist in many bands, e.g. B. with the Wolfgang Lindner Band , as well as the Oberkrainerbands Die Ötscherländer and Texingtal Musikanten . From November 2003 he also played alternately with Krzysztof Dobrek in the music cabaret formation Die Landstreich , which in 2003 won the Salzburg Bull Cabaret Prize for Austria. Sauprügl came to Landstreich through his global.kryner band colleague Christof Spörk . Sauprügl has played at Global Kryner since March 2004 until it was dissolved in 2013.