Antoni Chudziński

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Antoni Chudziński (German Anton Chudzinski ; born June 14, 1849 in Zdzież near Borek , Posen Province , Kingdom of Prussia ; † March 18, 1907 in Strasburg , West Prussia Province ) was a Polish high school teacher, philologist and historian in Strasburg.


Origin and education

The father Wincenty Chudziński was a teacher in Borek in the Prussian district of Krotoschin , the mother was Florentyna Pawlicka. The boy attended school in Borek and since 1861 the grammar school in Schrimm (Śrem). In 1863 he tried to get to the Russian Congress Poland , where the Polish January Uprising took place, but was discovered at the border and sent back. Then he went to the grammar school in Ostrowo (Ostrów), later back to Schrimm. There he became a member of a secret school society and passed the Abitur in 1869.

Chudziński then studied classical philology in Wroclaw . In 1870 he had to go to war against France as a soldier and was with the Lower Silesian Field Artillery Regiment No. 5 as far as Paris and the Swiss border. Then he continued his studies in Breslau.

First activities as a teacher

From 1874 Antoni Chudziński was tutor to the rebel general Edmund Taczanowski in Choryń. Then he went to Warsaw to the banker Epstein as a tutor. There he got contacts to circles of Polish intellectuals, writers and artists, which he maintained for many years.

In 1878 Chudziński passed the exam to become a high school teacher for Latin, Greek, history and French in Wroclaw. Since February he has been a trial year teacher at the grammar school in Neustadt in West Prussia , and from Michaelis on an assistant teacher position in Graudenz .

Teacher in Strasburg

In 1879 Antoni Chudziński began his activity as a teacher at the grammar school in Strasburg in West Prussia , which he was to practice until his death. He taught Latin, Greek and history, as well as the optional subject of the Polish language. Chudziński was very committed to the Polish students, whose culture was not welcomed by the Prussian authorities. He made her familiar with works of patriotic Polish literature, including Adam Mickiewicz , and built a Polish-language library at the school. He organized a secret student society of Philomats and supported the boys in their national self-esteem. Antoni Chudziński was also a sworn interpreter of the Russian language and wrote numerous petitions and letters to Russian authorities for the Polish population there.

In 1894 Antoni Chudziński was appointed professor at the grammar school, in 1898 he was appointed grammar school councilor . In 1901 the secret Philomatic connection was uncovered, and since then teaching Polish has been banned in schools.

Antoni Chudziński died as a teacher in 1907 and was buried in the Strasburg cemetery.


Since 1880 he was married to Stanisława Zielińska, who was a relative of the poet Gustaw Zieliński . The two probably had sons

  • Jerzy Chudziński (1885–1939), priest and editor of the Catholic magazine Pielgrzym , shot dead by the German occupation authorities
  • Wincenty Chudziński (* 1889)
  • Henryk Zygmunt Chudziński (1892–1959), lawyer

Publications (selection)

Antoni Chudziński has written numerous books and articles on historical, educational, political and other topics in German, Polish and Latin.

German writings

  • The Polish question in Prussia , Berlin 1891 digitized
  • Too much, a basic evil in our high school education , in Pedagogical Archive , 38, 1896, pp. 625–637, 709–726 beginning
  • How does the final exam have a questionable influence on our teaching operations? , 1898? [not in the Pedagogical Archive ], p. 131ff. Beginning
  • Tabular overview of the population growth in the Marienwerder administrative district in the years 1867–85 , scientific supplement to the XVI. Annual report of the Royal High School in Strasburg Westpr. about the school year 1889/90, Strasburg 1890
  • State institutions of the Roman Empire in a common representation , Gütersloh 1905
  • Death and the cult of the dead among the ancient Greeks , Gütersloh 1907

Polish writings

  • Thanatos czyli Śmierć i życie pośmiertne u dawnych Greków: studyum mitologiczno-archeologiczne [Thanatos or death and life after death among the ancient Greeks, mythological-archaeological studies] , Lwów 1886
  • Ziemia Chełmińsko-Michałowska [The Culmer and Michelau Lands] , Warszawa 1890
  • Kwestya polska w Prusiech, wiązarek dla spółeczeństwa naszego z powodu obchodu uroczystości 3go maja [The Polish Question in Prussia] , Poznań 1891
  • Nasza polityka Dopełnienie do mojej Kweatyi polskiej w Prusiech , Poznań 1891
  • Brodnica między r. 1819 a 1863, szkic kulturalno-historyczny według opowiadania żyjącego jeszcze świadka [Strasburg between 1819 and 1863] , in Roczniki Towarzystwa Naukowego w Toruniu , R. 5, 1898
  • Ludność polska Ziemi Chełmińsko-Michałowskiej podług spisu ludności z dnia 1-go grudnia 1895 r. [The Polish population of the Kulmer and Michelauer Lands according to the population register of December 1, 1895] , 1900
  • Brodnica w XVIII wieku [Strasburg in the 17th century] , Warszawa 1903

Latin scripts

  • Ubi et quo tempore ortus sit hymn Homeri VII in Dionysum [About the place and time of the hymn Homer VII] , Strasburg 1886


  • Szczepan Wierzchosławski: Antoni Chudziński (1849–1907) - pomorski ideolog polskich lojalistów w orze Capriviego . In: Zapiski Historyczne, kwartalnik poświęcony historii Pomorza . Z. 4. 2001. pp. 131-146
  • Polski Słownik Biograficzny . T. 3. Warszawa 1936. p. 478.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the Strasburg High School I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Filomatów Brodnica, 4th section Nauczenie i wychowanie with photo by Antoni Chudziński (Polish)