Antonino Giuffrè (civil engineer)

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Antonino Giuffrè (born January 17, 1933 in Messina , † November 27, 1997 in Rome ) was an Italian civil engineer .

Giuffrè studied civil engineering at the University of Rome until 1957 and was at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome I from 1962 in view of the destruction of the Irpinia earthquake in 1980 (for example at the cathedral of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi , in whose reconstruction he was involved ) he turned to the reconstruction of historical buildings in earthquake areas that was as historically compatible as possible. To this end, he studied the statics of historical masonry and the kinematic theory of the stability of masonry arches , which was maintained in the 18th century ( load-bearing theory similar to Jacques Heyman , only from a kinematic instead of a static point of view).

He was a leading scientist in historical building engineering in Italy with Salvatore Di Pasquale and Edoardo Benvenuto .


  • Analisi matriciale delle strutture. Statica, dinamica, dinamica aleatoria. Milan, Masson 1982
  • with R. Giannini: La risposta non lineare delle strutture in cemento armato, in: G. Grandori (ed.), Progettazione e particolari costruttivi in ​​zona sismica, Rome 1982, pp. 175-238
  • La meccanica nell'architettura, Rome: NIS 1986
  • Monumenti e terremoti: aspetti statici del restauro, Rome: Multigrafica 1988.
  • with P. Marconi: Un progetto in itinere: il restauro della cathedral di S. Angelo dei Lombardi, Ricerche di storia dell'arte, XIII, Volume 35, 1988, pp. 37-54.
  • with C. Baggio, R. Mariani: Seismic response of mechanism of masonry assemblages, in: Proceedings of the 9th European conference on earthquake engineering, Moscow, Volume 5, 1990, pp. 221-230.
  • Letture sulla Meccanica delle Murature Storiche, Rome: Kappa 1991
  • with A. Carocci: Statics and dynamics of historical masonry buildings. In: International Workshop on Structural Restoration of Historical Buildings in Old City Centers, Heraclion (Crete), 1992, pp. 35-95.
  • with A. Carocci: Codice di pratica per la sicurezza e la conservazione dei Sassi di Matera, 1997
