Antonio María Biedma Recalde

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Antonio María Biedma Recalde (born March 24, 1897 in Buenos Aires , † 1974 ibid) was an Argentine journalist and aviation historian . His work was mainly devoted to the study of national and international civil aviation.

He was the editor of numerous publications such as the Biblioteca Aeronáutica series and the Aviación magazine . In the writing Crónica histórica de la Aeronáutica Argentina he summarized the work of his life. When he died, his collections and works (around 548 records) were donated to the Biblioteca Nacional de Aeronáutica .

Fonts (selection)

  • Antecedentes de la Aeronáutica Militar Argentina (1914)
  • Orígenes de la Aviación Militar Argentina (1920)
  • La Aviación Civil Amenazada (1926)
  • Motores de Aviación (1935)
  • La Enseñanza del Vuelo (1936)
  • La aeronáutica argentina en el siglo pasado (1936)
  • Aerostación (1939)
  • Aeropuertos (1932)
  • Reglamentos, decretos, resoluciones de interés general (1935)
  • Crónica histórica de la aeronáutica argentina - Volume 2 (1969)

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on Biblioteca Nacional de Aeronáutica