Antonio Maria Venusti

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Antonio Maria Venusti (* 1529 in Grosio , † 1585 in Trento ) was an Italian medic.


Venusti came from a noble but impoverished family. He studied at the University of Bologna and was awarded a Dr. med. PhD. He practiced mainly in Trento .


  • Discorso generale intorno alla generatione, al nascimento de gli huomini. Giovanni Griffio for Giovan Battista Somasco, Venice 1562
    German: General Discourse From the people birth how he would namely first be conceived in the womb / increase in it / afterwards born in this world / and then have to wait for changes from years to years. Sampt approached report of the time / and what belongs to the same. Iennis / Hoffmann, Frankfurt 1618, 23: 295418B in VD 17 .
  • Consilia medica. Venice 1571, digitized version ( Lübeck City Library )
  • Consilium de Peste. 1582
  • Balneorvm Bvrmiensium Descriptio, Natvra Et Virtvs. 1584


  • Julius Gurlt, August Hirsch: Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples. Volume 5. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna / Leipzig 1884, p. 86 f. ( )

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