Antonio Zoncada

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Antonio Zoncada (born February 4, 1813 in Codogno , † July 15, 1887 in Pavia ) was an Italian author, Romanist , Italianist and literary historian.

life and work

Zoncada was destined to be ordained a priest, but entered secular life in 1834 and taught at high schools. As a participant in the Milan five-day uprising of 1848 against the Austrians, he was dismissed and a private tutor. In 1853 he received a call to the chair for aesthetics and Latin and Greek literature at the University of Pavia . From 1863 he held the chair for Italian literature there.


Romance studies and literary history

  • Eccellenza della lingua italiana e modo di studiarla , Milan 1853
  • I fasti delle lettere in Italia nel corrente secolo , Milan 1853
  • Corso di letteratura classica , 4 vols., Milan 1855-1858
  • Dante e l'arte in Italia , Pavia 1864
  • I dialetti d'Italia. Letture pubbliche , Pavia 1875
  • Clio ovvero i fasti della storia , Turin 1882
  • Alfieri e Rousseau , Pavia 1883

Own poetry and prose

  • Saggio di poesie , Milan 1837
  • Poetry , Milan 1843
  • Tre racconti ad istruzione dei giovinetti , Milan 1850
  • Carlo Goldoni a Pavia. Racconto storico , Pavia 1866, 1999
  • La siciliana. Racconto contemporaneo , Codogno 1868

Translations from French

  • Xavier Marmier, Lettere sulla Danimarca, la Svezia, la Norvegia, la Laponia e lo Spitzberg , 4 vols., Milan 1841
  • François Guizot, Storia generale della civiltà in Europa , Milan 1841
  • Mathieu Richard Auguste Henrion, Storia generale della Chiesa , 13 vols., Milan 1843–1850
  • Louis de Loménie, Biography d'uomini illustri contemporanei , Milan 1845


  • Edgar Radtke , Antonio Zoncada (1813–1887) and the pioneering of scientific dialectology in Italy, in: Lingua et Traditio. History of linguistics and recent philologies. Festschrift for Hans Helmut Christmann for his 65th birthday , ed. by Richard Baum et al., Tübingen 1994, pp. 337-357

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