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Anuhlada ( Sanskrit अनुह्लाद anuhlāda m.) Or Anuhrada ( anuhrāda ) is a Daitya , son of the demon king Hiranyakashipu in Indian mythology . His mother was Kayadhu , a Danava . His brothers were Samhlada , Hlada and Prahlada . The Harivamsha names Ayu ( आयु āyu ), Shibi ( शिबि śibi ) and Kala ( काल kāla ) as his sons .

According to the Mahabharata , he embodied himself as a human in Dhrishtaketu , the king of Chedi .

Individual evidence

  1. anuhrāda . In: Monier Monier-Williams : Sanskrit-English Dictionary . Clarendon Press, Oxford 1899, p. 41, col. 2 .
  2. ^ Bhagavata Purana VI, 18: 12-13
  3. Harivamsha 3.72
  4. Harivamsha 3.73
  5. Mahabharata I, 65,3434