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Appelflap made from puff pastry

Appelflap is a sweet Dutch pastry . The Appelflap consists of a puff pastry triangle that is filled with a mixture of apple cubes and cinnamon . To refine the mixture, you can add an almond paste , currants and / or raisins . During or immediately after baking is granulated sugar sprinkled over the Appelflap. In addition to the Oliebol , the Appelflap is a popular New Year's Eve treat .

In some regions of the Netherlands the name "Appelflap" is also used for a deep-fried pastry made from apple slices, known in the rest of the country as " Appelbeignet " .


  • René Dings: Van Appelbol dead Zeeuwse bolus: Gebakwoordenboek. Singel Uitgeverijen, Amsterdam 2019, ISBN 978-90-388-0757-7 .
  • M. Philippa, F. Debrabandere, A. Quak: Etymological woordenboek van het Nederlands. Dl. 1 AE. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2003, ISBN 90-5356-653-8 .