Arômes au Vin Blanc

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Arômes au Vin Blanc is a French cheese specialty that can be used with different types of cheese. To make the cheese, wine is placed in a vessel and a cheese is placed on a grate. The cheese does not come into direct contact with the wine. Goat cheese such as a Saint-Marcellin is mainly used . The cheese stays in the jar for two to three weeks. The evaporating wine penetrates the cheese, flavoring it and making the cheese dough moist and soft.

Arômes au Vin Blanc are mainly consumed in Lyon . The French cuisine knows a number of other recipes that are ultimately emerged from the desire to make perishable cheese more durable. Similar recipes include Arômes au Gène de Marc in particular , but also Le Pitchou or Crottin de Berry à l'Huile d'Olive .