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The Arachané or Arachanes were a tribe belonging to the indigenous peoples of South America who settled parts of what is now Uruguay and Brazil .

They were among the group of Tupi Guaraní -Indianer. Their settlement area was mainly in Rio Grande do Sul , but also reached in foothills in the eastern part of Uruguay up to the Laguna Merín . There they settled mainly in the area of ​​today's Rocha Department . It is reported that the Arachanes used to curl their hair and lived in hostility and armed conflict with the Guanaes (or Guayanas) and the Charrúas . In addition, they are described as good-natured and stout ( Gente dispuesta y corpulenta ).

The number of tribesmen was greatly reduced at an early stage of the colonization as a result of slave hunts by the Paulistani people. The tribe ultimately went under.


  • Herbert Wilhelmy , Wilhelm Rohmeder: The La Plata countries . Westermann, Braunschweig 1963, p. 148.

Individual evidence

  1. Rodolfo Maruca Sosa: La nación charrúa . Editorial "Letras", 1957, p. 57 (Spanish; limited preview in Google Book Search).
  2. Uruguay. Comisión de Exposición histórico-americana (ed.): El Uruguay en la Exposición Histórico-Americana de Madrid: Memoria . Dornaleche, 1892, p. 160 (Spanish; limited preview in the Google book search).
  3. ^ Theodor Waitz , Georg Karl Cornelius Gerland: Anthropology of primitive peoples. Volume 3: The Americans. Represented ethnographically and historically. First part . Fleischer, Leipzig 1862, p. 409 ( digitized in the Google book search).
  4. ^ Herbert Wilhelmy , Wilhelm Rohmeder: The La Plata countries . Westermann, Braunschweig 1963, p. 148 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  5. Pedro De Angelis: Coleccion de obras y documentos relativos á la historia antigua y moderna de las provincias del Rio de La Plata. Volume 1 . Imprenta del Estado, Buenos Aires 1836, p. V (Spanish; digitized in the Google book search).

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