Araschnia prorsoides

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Araschnia prorsoides
Araschnia prorsoides from John Henry Leech's Butterflies from China, Japan and Corea, 1892

Araschnia prorsoides from John Henry Leech's Butterflies from China, Japan and Corea , 1892

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Subfamily : Spotted butterfly (Nymphalinae)
Genre : Araschnia
Type : Araschnia prorsoides
Scientific name
Araschnia prorsoides
( Blanchard , 1871)
Araschnia prorsoides
Araschnia prorsoides f. levanoides

Araschnia prorsoides is a butterfly fromthe noble butterfly family (Nymphalidae). It iswidespreadin western China , northern India and Burma and shows a seasonal dimorphism like the closely related map ( Araschnia levana ).


The males of Araschnia prorsoides have a wingspan of 50 to 55 millimeters, the females 45 to 58 millimeters. The upper side is similar to the intermediate form ( forma , abbreviated f.) Porima of the small country map, except that the broad band on the front wing continues the band on the rear wing in a straight line. The bands on the edge of the wing are straighter and lighter. The underside is more similar to the summer form of Araschnia burejana f. fallax , as f. porima . It is paler and has a purple spot around the white submarginal points on both wings, which in turn more closely resembles A. burejana . The hind wing edge is more wavy between the veins than in the other two species and the moths are usually larger than European or Japanese animals.

At the ab. levanoides Blanchard , all drawings are reddish brown and sometimes more clearly, but more narrowly, applied. It corresponds roughly to A. burejana f. strigosa .

The off. flavida Oberthür , known from Siaolu , shows a noticeable spread of the bright drawing elements. On the forewing, large yellowish spots are formed in and behind the cell, the advanced spot of the costal hemisphere has flowed out like a strip. The hind wing is brownish and lightened whitish from the submarginal bandage to the root, only a few dark spots remain in the basal area. The edge is dark brown, arched and near its inner border there is a series of dark spots in the lightened wing part. The underside is predominantly whitish. In the root field of both wings there are a number of brownish, dark-edged spots and on the rest of the wing there are uncertain yellowish and blackish shadows and stripes.

Way of life and distribution

Araschnia prorsoides occurs in West China, North India ( Naga Mountains ) and Burma. There are also dubious reports from Japan ( Oiwake ). The form levanoides is only known from June, the nominate form flies from August to September. The moths were encountered at altitudes of 5,000 to 8,000 feet (1,500 to 2,500 meters). Nothing is known about the way of life.


  • Vanessa prorsoides , Blanchard , (1871)
  • Vanessa prorsoides var. Levanoides Blanchard , 1891
  • Araschnia strigosa Alplieraky , (1889).
  • Exit Araschnia prorsoides . flavida Oberthür , 1893


  • The Palaearctic butterflies . In: Adalbert Seitz (ed.): The large butterflies of the earth . tape 1 . Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart 1909, p. 210 .
  • John Henry Leech : Butterflies from China, Japan and Corea , Volume 1, 1892-4, London, p. 273 PDF

Individual evidence

  1. a b Leech, p. 273
  2. a b c Seitz, p. 210

Web links

Commons : Araschnia prorsoides  - collection of images, videos and audio files