Araschnia burejana

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Araschnia burejana
Araschnia burejana f.  strigosa

Araschnia burejana f. strigosa

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Noble butterfly (Nymphalidae)
Subfamily : Spotted butterfly (Nymphalinae)
Genre : Araschnia
Type : Araschnia burejana
Scientific name
Araschnia burejana
( Bremer , 1861)
Araschnia burejana f. strigosa - underside
Araschnia burejana f. fallax
Araschnia burejana f. fallax - bottom

Araschnia burejana is a butterfly fromthe noble butterfly family (Nymphalidae). It is widespread in East Asia and shows a clear seasonal dimorphism like the closely related map .


Araschnia burejana is slightly larger than the map and very similar to it. It has an evenly corrugated edge of the hind wing, on which the end of the anterior median branch is not angular. In the spring form forma (abbreviated f.) Strigosa Butler 1866, which has a wingspan of 33 to 39 millimeters, the black drawing elements are increased on the upper side of the wing, so that this color can already be seen as the base and the bandage of the following summer form is already evident . At the apex of the fore wing there is a distinct black eye with an ocher-colored ring and a white pupil. The root field of the hind wings is broader black with a broader yellow band, which continues at an obtuse angle to the middle of the fore wings.

The summer form f. fallax Janson , 1877 corresponds to the summer form f. prorsa of the map, except that the rear part of the forewing bandage is steeper, perpendicular to the rear end, while at f. prorsa is inclined obliquely to the wing root.


Araschnia burejana occurs in the Ussuri and Amur regions , central and western China, Korea and Japan. It lives in mixed forests up to an altitude of 1300 meters.

Way of life

The first generation of moths flies in the Amur region from May to June and the second from July to August. The caterpillars feed on nettles ( Urtica ) in Japan .


Araschnia burejana was developed by Otto Bremer Vasilyevich , 1861 in Volume 13 of the Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg first described . The 10 animals were caught in the Bureja Mountains from mid-May to mid-July and came from the first generation. Araschnia burejana leechi Oberthür , 1909 is the spring form of Araschnia doris , as could be proven by genital examinations , and not a subspecies of Araschnia burejana .


  • kurilicola Burk , 1942
  • Vanessa burejana , Pryer , 1888
  • Araschnia strigosa , Butler , 1866
  • Araschnia fallax , Janson , 1866


  • The Palaearctic butterflies . In: Adalbert Seitz (ed.): The large butterflies of the earth . tape 1 . Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart 1909, p. 210 .
  • VK Tuzov, PV Bogdanov, SV Churkin, AV Dantchenko, AL Devyatkin, VS Murzin, GD Samodurov, AB Zhdanko: Libytheidae, Danaidae, Nymphalidae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae . In: Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories . tape 2 . Pensoft, Sofia 2000, ISBN 954-642-095-6 , pp. 32 .
  • John Henry Leech: Butterflies from China, Japan and Corea , 1892-4, London, pp. 270f.
  • Bremer: New Lepidoptera from Eastern Siberia and the Amur Land collected by Radde and Maack in Bulletin de L'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, Volume 13, 1861 PDF

Individual evidence

  1. Bremer, p. 466f
  2. a b Seitz, p. 210
  3. a b c Tuzov, p. 32
  4. ^ SY Lang: Taxonomic notes on Araschnia doris Leech, 1892 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from China . in Far East Entomologist , No. 204, 2010, ISSN 1026-051X pp. 1-5. Full article: PDF
  5. a b c Leech, pp. 270f

Web links

Commons : Araschnia burejana  - collection of images, videos and audio files