Working group for Protestant school work

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The Working Group of Protestant Students' Work (AES) is a nationwide association of members who do Protestant student work in the regional churches .

It sees itself as part of the youth work of the EKD and is a member of the working group of Protestant youth in Germany.


The Protestant student work is in the tradition of the student Bible circles and is closely connected with the Federation of German Bible circles .


The aim of Protestant student work is to promote the independence and personal responsibility of young people as students. She tries to help young people on their way to life. This lifelong guidance includes, in all planning and implementation, not viewing students as objects of a learning process, but as subjects of an educational process. This work essentially takes place as a commitment by students for students and through the cooperation of full-time and volunteer workers .

The AES sees its work as Protestant ( political ) youth education.

As a Protestant youth education, it knows that it is founded and commissioned by the liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ , as it is testified in the Bible . She sees herself challenged to theological reflection and criticism of social conditions and the worlds of young people in her and to a religious practice that allows this freedom to be experienced.

Understanding of education

In her understanding of education, she assumes that education is a process oriented towards lively perception and experience as well as thinking and understanding, and a communicative event that consists in the inconclusive mediation of the individual and society.

Their utopia of education is therefore directed towards a society in which individuals can be freely different and towards individuals who are passionately social.


The tasks of the AES are - in addition to internal organization and committee work, as well as external representation of interests - the qualification of full-time and voluntary employees in youth education work and the development of thematic and methodological materials for working with young people.

Working method

Specifically, this process is organized in a variety of working forms and methods. In the federal states, these are primarily: school meetings, weekend conferences, class and level conferences, SV conferences, project groups, conference chains, leisure time , study trips , set-up times , work camps . At the federal level: Conferences, study sessions, specialist days, employee seminars and project groups.

Two fields of work form the current focus of student work at the federal and state levels: The cooperation between youth work and school, in which the discussion about the school policy development towards all-day schools and their consequences is currently being intensively held, and extracurricular student work.


As a youth association, the AES is structured in such a way that volunteers have a high level of decision-making authority at all levels. As the organs of internal association formation and decision-making, it has a conference of delegates as the highest decision-making body, a board of directors and partial conferences of volunteers and full-time employees .

The AES office in Hanover accompanies the work in the country student projects and coordinates the cooperation between them. She maintains contacts and cooperations with other partners, is responsible for public relations for the working group and develops publications with the members.


  • Protestant school work in Baden
  • Protestant youth work in Bavaria - work with schoolchildren
  • Protestant student work (BK) Berlin
  • Religious-philosophical school project weeks (Berlin-Brandenburg-Oberlausitz)
  • Student work in Hanover
  • Working Group of Christian Students - Hanover (acs)
  • School-related youth work in Hessen-Nassau
  • Evangelical student work in the northern church
  • Evangelical student work - Palatinate (esp)
  • Protestant school work in the Rhineland (ESR)
  • Ev. Youth in Saxony - State Youth Parish Office - School-related youth work
  • Capoeira Popular Thuringia
  • Protestant student work in Westphalia (esw)
  • Student work in the Evangelical Youth Office in Württemberg
  • ICJA volunteer exchange worldwide
  • Evangelical youth in the Evangelical Reformed Church

Web links

Individual evidence
