Working group for productive refugee aid

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The working group for productive refugee aid e. V. was an association that existed from 1949 (as eV: 1950) to 1952 and was responsible for applying for funding, planning, organizing and accounting for the first and largest housing project in West Germany after the Second World War , the " ERP program 10,000 refugee homes ”was founded.

The ERP special program was implemented in Schleswig-Holstein and based on the type planning of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für zeitweisees Bauen e. V. and with further support from state funds as part of the Schleswig-Holstein social housing scheme.

After the implementation of the special program and the settlement of all 84 individual building projects in June 1952, the working group was dissolved again.

Members and founding

The working group for productive refugee aid was founded on September 29, 1949 in Cologne .

At the invitation of the German Federation of Trade Unions, the following met in Cologne:

On February 26, 1950, the general meeting in Kiel decided to transform the working group into a legal association; the entry in the Kiel register of associations was made on April 4, 1950 under the number 818.

The working group presents itself as an attempt to master the major emergency tasks of our time through a new economic-political construction. The attempt had to be made, because these tasks cannot be solved either in a liberal or purely bureaucratic manner, that is to say by administrative means. "

- Dr. Reinhold Nimptsch

Statutory duties

Extract from the statutes of the Working Group for Productive Refugee Aid e. V., Kiel-Wik, May 13, 1950: (...)

§ 2 Purpose of the working group

(1) The purpose of the working group is to set up and organize an additional housing construction program for refugees in Schleswig-Holstein. Its tasks also include monitoring the implementation of this program by the non-profit housing companies designated by it as builders and those otherwise involved in its implementation, with the aim of ensuring that the commitments made in the application to the ECA for the provision of ERP funds , be respected. (2) The working group pursues its goals on an exclusively and directly non-profit basis. Its purpose is not directed towards an economic business operation. An activity as a builder is excluded. (...)

Board and work of the working group for productive refugee aid e. V.

The Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Social Affairs took on the task of clarifying all political and social issues and shielded the project from the outside world. The working group for productive refugee aid procured the additional funding ( ECA funds ) (...) and decided on the house types to be built (...) of the working group for contemporary building e. V., she clarified the basic rent rates and gave the guidelines for the occupation of the apartments. For this purpose, she held eight working conferences in Kiel. Otherwise, the business was conducted by the board of directors, which consisted of one representative each from the DBG federal board (Dr. Reinhold Nimptsch) and the Ministry of Social Affairs ( Walter Damm ). The board of directors supervised the central office and dealt with press and public relations matters. The evaluation and project-accompanying building research commissioned by the Federal Ministry was carried out by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für zeitweisees Bauen e. V. instead.

The central office

The central office was set up in December 1949 in order to put the plans of the working group into practice. She was given the following tasks:

  • the central management of the building program: the office worked on the “guiding principles” and guidelines and thus gave the “implementing ordinances” to the basic ideas of the program; it was involved in the selection of the non-profit housing companies and the architects proposed by them
  • the central planning: the office was involved in the selection of the locations and the definition of the individual building projects; she put out the tender for the central delivery of the windows and doors and together with the GEG Großeinkaufs-Gesellschaft Deutscher Konsumgenossenschaften (this as trustee of the working group) awarded the central orders for windows, doors and components (ovens, stoves, tubs, basins, fittings etc.)
  • the central regulation of financing issues
  • the supervision of the buildings
  • Participation in the allocation of apartments
  • General advice and exchange of experience in cooperation with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Zeitgenösses Bauen e. V.

The office began with (on average 16) own employees in February 1950. The previous services were provided by employees of the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für zeitwärts Bauen e. V. and freelance architects from the working group for contemporary building e. V., who also participated in the construction supervision and evaluation of the construction results. In June 1952 the accounting of the individual building projects, the examination of the accounts by the office and the refinancing of the price increases with the state trustee came to an end.

Sources and literature

  • Reinhold Nimptsch: “Productive refugee aid from the trade unions: New organizational methods for the construction of 10,000 apartments”; Cologne 1950
  • Working group for contemporary building e. V. (Ed.): Johannes Scharre / Ulrich Haake: "The construction of 10,000 refugee apartments in Schleswig-Holstein (ERP special program 1950) - results, methods, experiences and conclusions", / Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Produktktiv refugeeshilfe e. V .; (Research report on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Housing No. 148 (2404/05)); Building research report of the working group for contemporary building e. V. No. 2, Kiel 1952
  • Working group for contemporary building e. V. (Ed.): Haake, Ulrich: “Reduction of building costs through standardization and typing - ERP experiences”; Bulletin No. 40, Kiel 1953
  • Ulrich Haake: "10 years of housing construction in Schleswig-Holstein 1946 - 1956"; Kiel 1956

Individual evidence

  1. Reinhold Nimptsch: “Productive refugee aid from the trade unions: New organizational methods for the construction of 10,000 apartments”; Cologne 1950; P. 14.
  2. Statutes of the Working Group for Productive Refugee Aid e. V., Kiel-Wik, Mecklenburger Strasse 24, May 13, 1950
  3. Working group for productive refugee aid e. V., Re: Application for approval of a loan from ERP counterpart funds for the purpose of involving refugees in the regular work process in the state of Schleswig-Holstein; Cologne-Braunsfeld, October 3, 1949 and annex to the loan application: “Productive refugee aid for Schleswig-Holstein”; concerns the financing of the construction program for 10,000 refugee apartments and the rent per housing unit, Kiel October 3, 1949
  4. Working group for contemporary building e. V. (Ed.): “Sample floor plans for housing construction”; Bulletin No. 10; Kiel, March 1949