Working group traffic and environment REKEHR

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The Working Group on Transport and Environment UMKEHR eV (formerly the Working Group on Transport in the Federal Association of Citizens 'Initiatives Environmental Protection (BBU)) supports citizens' initiatives and transport associations in their commitment to human and environmentally friendly transport . Pedestrians , cyclists and users of local public transport should have priority over car traffic . Car and air traffic are to be reduced and citizens are to be comprehensively involved in traffic planning. UMKEHR eV was founded in 1978 in Berlin to coordinate the traffic citizens' initiative movement.


After the oil crisis of 1973/74, the approach to an environmentally conscious transport policy suffered a serious setback. The citizens' initiatives and umbrella organizations of the environmental movement formed too weak a counterweight to economic interests and only organized themselves nationally in the transport and environment working group at the end of the 1970s.

The information and advisory office for traffic and the environment UMKEHR eV advises citizens and helps people to help themselves in the field of traffic and transport policy. The UMKEHR eV association publishes the magazine mobilogisch! out, which informs experts and interested laypeople about current discussions in the field of transport and spatial mobility . Every two years UMKEHR eV organizes the nationwide environmental and transport congress (BUVKO) in different cities together with the initiatives there . This congress combines content sharing, discussion, action and culture. UMKEHR eV is a member of the Railway for All Network , the Federal Association of Citizens' Initiatives Environmental Protection (BBU) and a founding member of the Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD).

Specialized library and archive

UMKEHR eV runs a specialist library and an archive with materials on the topics of humane and environmentally friendly transport.


  • Lutz Meinert (board member)
  • Frank Biermann (Secretary)
  • Stefan Lieb (cashier)


The bodies of the association are the board of directors and the general assembly.

Trade journal

The specialist journal mobilogisch appears every three months ! Journal for ecology, politics and movement in the traffic sector, which is published by Umkehr eV in cooperation with the Fachverband Fußverkehr Deutschland FUSS eV .


  • R. Thaler; W. Thalhammer; E. Mastny; F. Schwammenhöfer; F. Matiasek; P. Grassl; N. Ibesich; H. Heinfellner: Master plan walking. Strategy to promote pedestrian traffic in Austria. Vienna 2015
  • Daniel Sigrist, Thomas Zahnd, Michael Rothenbühler, Iris Diem: footpath network planning. Manual. Enforcement aids for slow traffic No. 14. Zurich, Bern 2015
  • Benjamin Wührl, Julia Dierl, Franz Linder: Progress - A plea for foot traffic. Krefeld, February 2015

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. cf. Klenke, Dietmar: Federal German Transport Policy and Environment, From Motorization Euphoria to Ecological Hangover, in: Environmental History, Environmentally Compatible Economics in Historical Perspective, Werner Abelshauser, Göttingen 1994, p. 94 ff.
  3. UMKEHR eV, statutes, coordination, contact and advisory office, Exerzierstrasse 20, 13357 Berlin, as of December 20, 2010