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Basic data

Maintainer Arcavia's developer
Current  version 2014.07
(July 2, 2014)
operating system cross-platform
programming language PHP
category Online shop , web framework
License LGPLv3
German speaking Yes
Arcavia's TYPO3 extension

Arcavias Logo.svg
Basic data

Maintainer Arcavia's developer
Current  version 1.1.1
(June 30, 2014)
operating system cross-platform
programming language PHP
category Online shop , web framework
License GPL
German speaking Yes
Arcavias TYPO3 website

Arcavias is a flexible and modular open source - E-commerce - web framework that is optimized for speed and large amounts of product and easily into existing web applications can be integrated. The first official version of the Arcavias core licensed under LGPL took place in 2012 and was named one of the best open source shop systems in 2013.


Arcavia's core

The core (Arcavias Core) consists of an e-commerce software library and a web-based administration interface implemented in Ext JS . For the integration into content management systems or self-created web applications, an "HTML client" is available which, based on the parameters and the configuration, generates the necessary HTML code for e.g. B. List and detail views are generated. All components of the system can be expanded or exchanged with your own implementations, and the administration interface can also be replaced with an alternative implementation based on the software library. The library is multi-client capable, so that any number of shops with independent product catalogs, customer bases and order processing can be mapped within one installation.

In March 2014 the first stable version of the Arcavias Core was released. A shop application based on the Zend Framework for demonstration purposes is available as an example implementation for your own applications .

Arcavia's TYPO3 extension

In March 2013 the first version of Arcavia's TYPO3 extension was published, in April 2014 version 1.0 was published. The extension provides a number of TYPO3 plug-ins (e.g. for filtering, search, list and detailed view, shopping cart and purchase process), which the TYPO3 editor distributes on the pages of the content management system can be. The configuration of the output and the administration of rights in the TYPO3 backend is done with the on-board tools of TYPO3.

The German Employees Academy uses the Arcavias TYPO3 extension to book courses on offer.


The software is developed on the open collaboration platform GitHub . Developers can also make changes to the code directly and download the latest version. In order to translate Arcavias into other languages, the Transifex translation platform is used, through which anyone can adapt translations or create translations for new languages ​​after registration. The reporting of errors or feature requests is possible via a bug tracker .

The online forum also offers the opportunity to exchange ideas and ask questions. The documentation for users and developers is maintained in a wiki , in which anyone interested can contribute improvements and new articles after registering.


The following languages ​​are supported:

  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Russian (partially)
  • Vietnamese (partially)


The minimum requirements are:

Arcavias is optimized for MySQL, even if other databases could be used. In order to achieve full performance, APC or HipHop are necessary.


Web links


  2. Archive link ( Memento of the original from June 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Archive link ( Memento of the original from April 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
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