Ardi Liives

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Ardi Liives (born August 31, 1929 in Tallinn ; † December 9, 1992 ibid) was an Estonian writer.

life and work

Ardi Liives was born the son of the Estonian composer and violinist Eero Liives (1892–1978). He graduated in 1953 with a degree in Law at the State University of Tartu from. From 1953 to 1962 Liives worked as a journalist for the Õhtuleht newspaper .

Liives also made his debut as a writer in the mid-1940s. He was best known as a prolific writer of about thirty dramas .

“Liives' plays are mostly set in urban circles of lower intelligentsia and are about little people; they are exclusively located in the present and are partly very similar in their knitting pattern, so that the criticism soon pointed to their superficiality and hastened to note that we are only talking about mediocre works here [...]. "

- Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. Berlin, New York 2006, ISBN 3-11-018025-1 , p. 650

In addition, Ardi Liives published a number of short stories , novels , the libretti for the operettas Aunult unistus (1955), Kuskil Montparnasse'il (1980) and Maskeraad Ungrus (1988) as well as numerous radio plays . Some radio plays were broadcast in German translation in the GDR.

In 1980 Liives was awarded the Juhan Smuul Prize .

Works (selection)


  • Robert Suur (1957)
  • Uusaasta öö (1958)
  • Sinine Rakett (1959)
  • Siinpool horisonti (1962)
  • Viini postmark (1964; filmed in 1967)
  • Stairs (1964)
  • Mürgi perenaine (1967)
  • Monolisk (1969)
  • Infarct (1971)
  • Suudlus enne koitu (1977)
  • Lehti puult ühelt (contains the pieces Uusaasta öö , Trepp , Mürgi perenaine , infarction , Suudlus enne koitu ; 1979)
  • Lehti teiselt puult (contains the comedies Robert Suur , Viini postmark , Kallimast kallim , Monolisk , Maskeraad Ungrus ; 1979)
  • Madalrõhkkond (contains the pieces Siinpool horisonti , Millest vaikis prohvet , Madalrõhkkond , Need kauged ajad , Alati septembris , Avalik kiri , Missioon ; 1989)


  • Retro (1981)
  • Vastuarmastus (two volumes, 1982 and 1986)
  • Aken vastu päikest (1988)

Novel collections

  • Nullpäev ja tormipüha (1976)
  • Ahvitapja ja heategija (1979)

Radio plays

  • Viies kupee (1961)
  • Täna raadioteatris (anthology, 1984)

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Eesti elulood. Tallinn: Eesti entsüklopeediakirjastus 2000 (= Eesti Entsüklopeedia 14) ISBN 9985-70-064-3 , p. 245