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Aregon ( Greek  Ἀρήγων ) was a Greek painter from Corinth who probably lived in the 6th century BC. Was active.

Aregon's work is dated to the time before the outbreak of the Persian Wars, he is only known through a mention by the historian Strabo . He names three images that were famous in his time and that were in the temple of Artemis Alpheionia near the Zeus sanctuary Olympia . One of them was created by Aregon, the other two by Kleanthes , Aregon's picture of Artemis being carried up by a griffin . Although the griffin was considered the animal of Apollo , it was not uncommon for deities connected to one another in cult and myth to be given attributes of each other.



  1. ^ Strabo 8, 3, 12.
  2. ^ Otto Rossbach: Aregon. In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume II, 1, Stuttgart 1895, column 619 ( digitized version ) ..