Ariarathes II

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Ariarathes II. ( Ancient Greek: Ἀριαράθης; * before 322 BC; † around 255 BC) was from about 281 to about 255 BC. A governor ( satrap ) of Cappadocia . He was a son of Orophernes, the brother of Ariarathes I ; the latter adopted him.

Ariarathes fled after the end of his uncle in 322 BC. To Armenia , while Cappadocia fell under the control of Macedonian rulers. With the support of Orontes III. However, he was able to return to Cappadocia, defeat the Macedonian governor Amyntas in battle and thus take over rule. Diodorus implies this event for the year 301 BC. After the end of Antigonos Monophthalmos in the battle of Ipsos . More likely, however, after this battle, Seleucus I had taken control of eastern Asia Minor and thus also of Cappadocia, making Amyntas a Seleucid governor. The possibility of reconquering Cappadocia should only arise for Ariarathes after the end of Seleucus in 281 BC. When the Seleucid power in Asia Minor wavered.

Nevertheless, Ariarathes did not succeed in establishing a completely independent kingdom, as he had to continue to recognize the suzerainty of the Seleucid Empire . Ariarathes' successor was after his death around 255 BC. BC Ariaramna II , the eldest of his three sons. First his grandson, Ariarathes III. , was able to break away from the Seleucids and assume the title of king.


  • Diodorus 31.19.4-5
